i quite lack the randomness and the 'enforced' nature of Public Holidays.
It may not be individual choice, but it's nice to know that (almost) everybody else is also off and there isn't some eager-beaver at the office putting one over on you on your day off.
they also provide a day for organised events that lots of people can share in, and when i lived in Central London so many people left town on Bank Holiday weekend the comparative quiet and relaxed vibe for those who stayed was quite unique
I like having fixed days too, I'm lucky enough to be in a job where I look forward to a guaranteed day off. Should we add one for other culture/religious reasons - No, where would it all stop, We'd have half the year off if we covered all worldwide holidays and festivals.
Ah Trafalgar. We learnt of the battle but as I recall not the details. I was embarrassingly older when I first learnt as to where it was fought ! Prior I had assumed it was similar to the armada battles, not far from us. :-O