I think this groundhog-season of conflict between Hamas and their victims in Gaza is too primordial and mired in psychopathy for the rest of the world to understand.
First of all I have to say I think the Israeli position should not be reported to be attacks against Palestinians. If that were the case they would be attacking the West bank Palestinians. They are not. Why, because the West Bank Palestinians have not been launching rockets into Israel.
It is a bit rich for the righteous, sanctimonious intelligentsia of the West to condemn the actions of Israel. To them the people of Gaza, by their continuing electoral support for Hamas, an Iranian terrorist organisation who wish to destroy them, as targets, if that's where their spotters see the rockets being fired from IN THE SAME WAY AS in WW2 the RAF by night, and the USAF by day sought to use destructive bombing of German cities to undermine 'the will of the German people' to support the Nazi War machine.
If not for the bravery of those who executed this policy I wouldn't be typing this now- at least not in English but German. But the UK sanctimonious intelligentsia forget history when it suits them in order to support their customary pro-Hamas anti-Israel bias.
Yet the solution, were the people of Hamas truly representing the interests of the Gaza Palestinians instead of using them as cannon-fodder is simple.
Stop the rockets. Stop the tunnels. Stop the abductions. That is all that is required for peace. Other issues the pro-Hamas UK intelligentsia are conflating with the current situation would then, in an absence of hostilities, be open for negotiation.
But Hamas don't want that. They don't care how many Palestinians in Gaza die, all they care about is their primordial hatred of what they refer to as the 'Zionist Entity'. Their boss in Iran aka the Supreme Leader will never permit any form of peace treaty between Hamas and Israel and sod the welfare of the poor Palestinians in Gaza who were dumb enough to let them in. And so it will go on, and on...