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I'm Struggling With His One!

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ToraToraTora | 20:20 Thu 07th Aug 2014 | News
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Why would you move to another country and then try and effect our own from abroad?


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All Jock Tamson's bairns are entitled to their opinion, but only those registered on a Scottish electoral roll are entitled to vote.
^ unlucky for you. If the English had a say Scottish independence would be a done deal.
Aye, we never were lucky.
Almost a third of our Anaesthetic department are oatmeal savages(my jovial nickname for them from my Army days) and none of them have expressed any desire to return to Caledonia any time soon.
I think they missed a trick in confining the referendum in the way they did.

The point of a UK-wide referendum is not so much the aggregate result (which I imagine Salmond was concerned about) but the geographical distribution of yeses and nos. A clear divide on either side of the border should have sufficed to get the message to Westminster (and the general public) that a change was overwhelmingly supported, north of the border.

The question would then shift to one of making a regional change, against majority public opinion. Not wishing to trivialise it but it is analagous to Westminster deciding that there are going to be offshore wind farms at X, Y and Z locations, "for the good of the nation", against opposition.

What Salmond probably hadn't bargained for is that, even within the confines of Scotland's border, it's still close to a 50/50 debate. That is clearly not what you could call "overwhelming support". Salmond has evidently been exposed to nothing but the vocal lobbyists for years. The "silent minority" turned out to be nearly half.

People are no doubt switching sides - in both directions - as the debate continues. Yes there are numerous ex-pat Scots who cannot participate but they will be equally split in opinions and shouldn't swimg the result, if they were allowed to participate. He vote will be "highly representative" rather than correct to the fifth decimal place.

Oatmeal savages? Not much of a chat-up line ChillDoubt :-). Very poignant avatar, by the way.
anneasquith /// they may not live in Scotland, but I think they can have an opinion, after all every English person in AB land seems to have one . :) ///

Stop being so divisive, Anne. The Welsh hate the jocks too.

This made me smile:

/// As I got older and a bit more clued up I realised Westminster favoured London at the expense of Scotland ///

Could that be why Scotland gets free university fees, free elderly care, free prescriptions and free hospital parking?

Regarding the Scots that live in England, if Scotland does get independence then all Scots living in England should be given a choice, a British passport or a Scottish one?

No duel nationality passports here, there's been enough trouble caused by those already.
'' the welsh hate the jocks to '' as well as who ?
Oatmeal savages? Not much of a chat-up line ChillDoubt :-). Very poignant avatar, by the way.
Thanks Wharton. To be honest, oatmeal savages was the kinder term, I can't use the one that was generally used.
As for the rest I can say hand on heart I/the Welsh don't hate the Jocks as others on the thread have claimed.
There were a couple that hated me though, but there's nothing like the site of a 6 footer in a red hat entering the barracks of 1 Royal Scots to raise their ire!
Chill, It begins with Porridge and ends with .....
Interesting.....heard them all, Oatmeal Savages, Sweaty Socks, Haggis Bashers..... it's good to know we serve a purpose, but heaven help us if we start the derogatory names down south.... anything beyond a Southern Shandy Drinker get's you all sorts of abuse.

I've worked all over the place Scotland, England, Germany, Falklands, Cyprus you name it and everywhere has it's racial quirks. I'm a Scot but I'm also British therefore happy to be part of some HUGELY better than a collection of smaller states. Kim Jock Eck is shouting about a fairer country I don't think we do too badly.

For all those who shout about paying for the Scots; well...... Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire generates more income through Oil/gas and renewables than any part of the country excluding London.... maybe the regional shares should be worked out on that basis
Seems like some allow their heart and pride to overrule their head. My opinion anyway. Wish the country they originate from to be proud and independent regardless, on the other hand try to avoid the practical consequences of doing so ?
Para or Red cap Chilldoubt.I think the latter raised the ire of most military formations did'nt it?
ChillDoubt....Surely if you wore a red hat you would be well used to a less than friendly reception from ANY army unit,not just the Royal Scots.

I am assuming that you were a military policeman,not the favourite corps in the army. If you were either a Cardinal or a paratrooper then I am sure you would have received a warm welcome. :-)
You can sum up the film "Tumbledown" with the classic one-liner
"cr@phats; don't lose it again."

(I've no idea whether that was a quote from real life or the scriptwriter trying to convey what some units think of other units). :-/
hypognosis.... it was allegedly a comment made by either 2 or 3 Para (can't remember which battalion to a group of Royal Marines as they raised the Flag in Stanley at the end of the Falklands War....... marines have always been known as Craphats by the Parachute Regiment ... I believe there is some truth to the statement.
I believe that it is a Parachute Regiment term for a recruit under training before he attains his Red Beret.The crap hat was a olive green cotton twill peaked cap worn by hopefuls under training.The recruits were called crap hats.RM/bootneck recruits wear a navy blue beret with red badge backing whist training at Lympstone Commando school to attain their highly prized and richly rewarded green beret.Then they go down The Globe,Lympstone village and" kick up a bobs a dying" to celebrate.
Think it is other way round Slapshot.Royal Marines are called bootnecks.The Paras wore the craphats.(in training)
I think you are certainy right about the Union Flag raising ceremony by the Royal Marines and comments that may have been made by the Parachute Regiment.It was,after all, a very small contingent of Royal Marines who were the sole defence force against a vastly out numbering and heavily armed invasion force who eventually witnessed the union flag being replaced by the invaders.
Sorry to hijack your thread TTT.I am digressing from it.Apologies.

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