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Salmond Says " We Are Keeping The Poond"

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mikey4444 | 08:00 Fri 08th Aug 2014 | News
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Doesn't that rather depend on whether the rest of us will let him ?

Silly little man !


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I don't see how this can work in practice. After independence the pound will be the UK currency and Scotland can of course use it but they'll have no control of it, they won't have a central bank it will be controlled by the bank of England. Essentially they'll be similar to those countries that use the Dollar as a currency but Scotland will be unique in that it will...
09:26 Fri 08th Aug 2014
// Scotland will be unique in that it will be government policy to use a foriegn powers currency without any control over it //

Wrong, all these countries use the US Dollar...

East Timor
El Salvador
Federated States of Micronesia
Marshall Islands
the Caribbean Netherlands
Must be a big relief for all the pound shop owners.
Fair enough gromit, Scotland may choose to keep the pound but they won't have any control over it.
They may not be allowed to keep it. Its not their decision.
they can keep it, that can adopt any currency or create their own. They just won't have control over it.
"Doesn't that rather depend on whether the rest of us will let him?" Who are the rest of us?? Do you have a vote mikey? From your comments, I rather think that it's you who is the silly little man. When will you all get it through your seemingly thick heads that we are not voting for Alex Salmond - we are voting to be in control of our country. How would you all like to be ruled from Shetland?
maggiebee - You're wasting your time, pearls before swine springs to mind.
Apologies, Mikey, for using your OP as the opportunity for a mild rant rather than answering the question.
When I was much younger I would have been disappointed watching the current effort to dissolve the union of two peoples whose values, language and culture are, as it seems to me, pretty much the same. For two hundred years or more we've been able to get on reasonably well, even successfully together. The VE then would have seen no useful outcome for the Scottish people from independence, and its only positive result (if one chooses to describe it like that) the further inflation of the already over-bloated Salmand. Sadly the Meldrew in me has long since taken over and the "Better Apart" cause has no more enthusiastic advocate than today's VE. Of course, when the Scots vote against independence (as they surely will) I won't be having a "simply can't believe it!" moment: there are many Scots with a grander vision than anyone in the SNP has, and plenty more who who will not choose to throw away the English subsidy. So the new VE will have to watch, fuming uselessly, as even more English gold is sent north of the border.
Do you feel my pain?
PS: In deference to MaggieBee's last post (which I've just read), I'm sure that there are nobler motives for supporting the Yes campaign than I have given credit for.
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vetuste_ennemi....feel free to use my post as you wish !

It seems to me that Salmond has yet to make a good enough case to independence, just as Plaid Cymru have yet to do here in Wales. With them its all about the language, and for Salmond its all about ...........what ?

A tiresome little man, who will soon be forgotten.
A slightly different slant..Sterling is the currency of the UK. If Scotland opts out of the UK then it opts out of Sterling. It cannot be independant of the UK if it is dependant on a currency essentially controlled by the UK so iif it wants too be truly independant it has to be outside sterling
. When some international currency crisis pops up and the UK government has to take action to protect the UK economy it is not going to consider the impact of those actions on the Scottish economy. Why should it since an independant Scotland would be so transparently self serving that the UK would owe it nothing..
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It all comes down to the ability of Scotland to get itself out of trouble. When the Royal Bank of Scotland announced in 2008 that it was just about to run out of money. the Chancellor had to step in with eye-watering amounts of money, to bail it out. The Scots were glad of the Bank of England then, thats for sure !

I have been reading up on the RBS debacle. Apparently, just before the crash of 2008, it was briefly the biggest bank in the world, according to Wiki ::::

Scotland is simply too small to exist on its own, and that is the end of it.
"Scotland is too small to exist on its own" posted by Mikey.

This must rank as the most fatuous statement which hasever been made here.
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If it is fatuous SirOracle, then counter my argument regarding the bail-out that would be needed if the banks failed again. Salmond himself couldn't answer that question on the telly the other day, so it will be interesting to read your version.

From the IMF perhaps ? But what would Salmond use for collateral ? North Sea oil is running out, and there is only so much tartan and whisky that the rest of the world wants or needs.
The GDP of Scotland is aboout the same as Finland. $250billion.
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By the way SirOracle, if you think my statement was the "most fatuous statement ever made here" you haven't looked very hard have you !
do you have a vote mikey ?
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As a Englishman, living here in Wales, I don't annie...not sure if that is a hindrance or a godsend ! I have been known to take the odd glass of the amber stuff though...LAPHROAIG is my choice, when I can afford it.
that would be a no then............. :)
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But perhaps we all should have a vote annie, as we will all be affected if the Scots sail off into the sunset.
mikey. just out of interest and only IF Scotland become independent. how will it affect you ?

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