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Natural Selection At Work?

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ToraToraTora | 10:29 Sat 09th Aug 2014 | News
26 Answers
Why are people so stupid?


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Is one of the side effects a high pitched squeaky voice?
No, helium I was thinking of
We all had a long and interesting debate about "recreational" drug us, around the time of Glasto 2014, and I was roundly told off for not understanding the modern "drug culture" so I am waiting for lots of people to come along and defend these daft twits !

If the drug dealers started pushing dog turds on the street as the new wonder drug, there would be people like these falling over themselves to buy some !
I think it has a very short lasting effect. Isn't that the gas in "gas and air" that one has while giving birth? If so, I had it and it took away the pain but made me feel sick, so wouldn't do it for recreation. Some might though.
I believe camel dung adds a certain piquancy to hashish. Though never having tried it I can't vouch for that.
It really bugs me that we spend NHS resources sorting out these idiots which then means we can't afford eg new cancer-fighting drugs.
Why is it for sale anyway, apart from injecting it into an engine to make it go faster, what is it used for in everyday life?
My nephew tells me that it is used quite extensively in model cars and planes. I'm not sure but I think it is no longer used in Dentistry, as it was in my younger days.
Near where I used to live there'd often be heaps of lighter gas canisters lying about in the morning. If this stuff is safer it's probably better that it's used.
// A man was killed when a charging e-cigarette exploded and ignited oxygen equipment he is believed to have been using, Merseyside's fire service said. //
used quite extensively in model cars and planes

Thanks, I didn't know that.
Well, it's good for a laugh.
They're sold to go into some kind of gadget that whips cream, I believe.
No they are not SJP....that is compressed air. weren't told off. You were informed.

These are legal at the moment. I hope that changes pretty soon.
And TTT...have you never done anything daft in your youth?
I disagree Ummmm...I was most certainly told off. But I am not complaining you understand, as I have broad shoulders and enjoy the cut and thrust of debate !

I just want some of those that were so "right on" about drug use to defend this newish drug craze. Seems that I am waiting in vain. Perhaps when there have been a few more deaths things will change.

Until then, I agree with TTT ...stupid people, without the ability to use good judgment. Natural selection is indeed at work.
SJP...I stand corrected it would seem ! I used to have a soda machine, to make fizzy drinks and it used air cannisters. We seem to have solved the mystery of where these canisters are coming from in such huge quantities.
It's better than sniffing glue or suede cleaner which was all the rage when I was a youth worker.

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