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The Union Flag And Scottish Independance

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Retrochic | 11:49 Sat 09th Aug 2014 | News
46 Answers
Question asked by 13 year old son and I don't know the answer....If Scotland wins Independence will they have to produce a new Union flag (Union Jack) ?


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NJ, there is no misunderstanding on my part that "an independent Scotland would have a say in how the "Rump" of the UK conducts its affairs should they choose to quit the union" and nor do I have any "delusions of grandeur" whatsoever.
What I am talking about is what words actually mean. If you're happy to be in the same boat as the people of The Democratic Republic of Congo as regards the validity of the nomenclature of your you don't care that it's a manifest absurdity...then that's perfectly fine with me!

The official name of our country at present is The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Clearly The Rump cannot really go on including the words, 'Great' and 'Britain', as that phrase was coined - apparently by King James VI/I himself - and obviously referred to the larger joint entity of the two UNITED countries. Accordingly, you might as well just call yourselves England and Northern Ireland, Wales having been subsumed into the larger body to its east so long ago.
// Clearly The Rump cannot really go on including the words, 'Great' and 'Britain //

Of course it can. It can also choose to add the words 'pineapple' and 'robot' if it wants to.

All this is meaningless conjecture though, as it most likely won't happen.
By all means, Ludwig, the English should feel free to add all four words you suggest to the Rump’s official title! It'd be no more ridiculous than going on using the two I suggested can no longer sensibly apply in the event of Scottish independence.
Britain has always meant the entire island from John o' Groats to Land's End. The 'Great' was added for the very first time in 1604, at the coronation of James VI of Scotland as James I of England to indicate the union's size rather than its magnificence.
The Austro-Hungarian Empire existed from 1867 – 1918. It doesn’t now and none of the countries within it now uses that name, although we still have an Austria and a Hungary. Czechoslovakia came into existence when it declared independence from that empire in 1918. It, too, no longer exists and neither of the countries it comprised now uses that name, being called The Czech Republic and Slovakia respectively since 1993.

Having said that, I feel it is a fine idea that England should adopt the title, The Robotic and Bromelaceous United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. It's got a ring to it, hasn't it?

(By the way, I agree with you and every poll on the topic from Day 1 that "it most likely won't happen".)
Found this on the 'net this morning :::

Doesn't look very promising for Salmond, does it ?
Mikey, your graph reveals precisely what I said directly above.
Indeed it does Q...just supporting your point !

( you know I love my Polls ! )
I just hope the seaties vote yes and aod off once and for all.

Scotsmen are likepiles; always much better when they go back up again!
Your joke-cupboard is getting rather like Old Mother Hubbard's, YMB..."bare". I've lost count of the number of times you've used the one above, for instance. I've always assumed you got your jibes from the likes of sub-editors on The Sun or Mail in any case, need to find some new material.
they'll probably vote no but will they accept it or will they keep beating the Electorate to death, EU style, until they get the "correct" answer?
QM // It's got a ring to it, hasn't it? //

Yep, a pineapple ring.

TTT, I think it would be sad if the inhabitants of Scotland fail to seize this opportunity though, as I've said, I suspect they will. Nevertheless, I do not for a moment imagine that the desire for independence in many will simply "go away". Consequently, I'm sure that the whole thing will re-emerge at some point in the future in much the same was as, when the Tories lose an election, they keep coming back and asking again!
// I think it would be sad if the inhabitants of Scotland fail to seize this opportunity though //

So do I. I don't think they'll benefit financially from it, nor will the rest of the union, but I see it as more about governing their own affairs, controlling their own destiny, and standing on their own two feet.
For once, L, I am 100% in agreement with you. Those are precisely the reasons that would make me vote 'Yes', were in a position to do so.
Perhaps the name 'Grande Bretagne' was coined to distinguish it from the much smaller 'Bretagne' on the other side of 'La Manche'?
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We could easily change the blue to green and this would be much more representative of the Welsh and Northern Irish.
with a Welsh dragon over crossed kalashnikovs in the centre.
I hope not. Anyway if they go independent they'll be broke in 10 years and pleading for a bail-out and return to the Union.

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