Question Author I going mad here ?
She didn't make the remark in private. She make it to a BBC TV reporter, in part of an interview,and that is my point. She should have realised that it was a daft thing to do...what is so difficult to understand about that ? If she had made the remark in private, amongst her racist friends, we wouldn't be debating this issue in the first place !
And I am hope that you never use the racist and inflammatory language that you have outlined in your example. You can use the sense of your remarks quite clearly without using the P word. I am ashamed to say that even amongst my own family, the P word comes out every now and then, although not in my hearing, if they have any sense.
I was at a Business meeting recently, when a chap from Plymouth said something along the lines of "how can we get better responses from the "darkie" community. The Chair, to her credit, immediately asked him to withdraw his remark, which he did. But he told me during lunch, that everybody uses the D word where he comes from !