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Gay Bashing Circa 2014

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sp1814 | 20:11 Thu 28th Aug 2014 | News
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In 2014, why is this still happening?

And this isn't a 'making a point' thread...I'm genuinely interested in the possible reasons behind this.

Is it religious fundamentalism? Anger at perceived favouritism towards an admittedly small minority? Mental illness? Bravado?

Again - I'm not making a point, I would like to hear your ideas as to why someone would do this?

I've seen lads having fights in nightclubs, but this is different - any ideas as to why it still happens (and I promise not to shout anyone down - honest).


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The 'Goths' name was Sophie Lancaster- there is now a foundation set up in her name encouraging tolerance of all groups of people, and a stage named after her at the Bloodstock Festival. She and her boyfriend were attacked for being , as you say, Goths. Why? Honestly I've no idea except that historically people always attack groups which are dis-similar to...
06:22 Fri 29th Aug 2014
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Thank you...very thoughtful, and thought-provoking, response.
Some will always have a beef with someone and usually that someone will belong to a minority group be it Gays, disabled, bigger boned, old even ginger.

For others religion will play a big part. Muslims in particular have a real problem with Gays (oddly you generally support them?)

It is unlikely to change in the near future, humans are not that developed yet and certainly the denizens of the feral underclass are miles from it.
Part of the reason must be pure thuggery. I wonder if what was known as '*** bashing' still takes place?
* Pakistani bashing ^
//Muslims in particular have a real problem with Gays (oddly you generally support them?)//

I’ve commented on that in the past. Having two causes that are close to your heart, in this case colour prejudice and gay bashing, it must be very difficult to reconcile your loyalties when people of colour are gay bashers. (And before anyone gets uppity, when I say ‘bashers’ I don’t mean that every Muslim goes around literally ‘bashing’ gays).

Yes you certainly slipped up on this one, you headlined your thread 'Gay Bashing Circa 2014' when the judge said it was not an homophobic attack.

You then later announced that you had got it wrong and it was not gay bashing at all, excusing yourself by saying that you had picked up this story from another source, if this was so why didn't you use that other source instead of the Guardian one?

This was just another nutter going out armed with a toxic liquid to cause trouble, no need to bring in homosexuality at all.
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Please see my subsequent link about the lesbian girl.

And this is not a point-scoring thread, so if you have something to add to the debate, I would be more than interested to hear it.

Again, I'm not interested in any personal digs on this thread. I screwed up with the first link because I didn't read the judge's summation. Please don't get hung up on that.
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I don't want to get into this, because I think it's a distractionn and this thread is about gay-bashing (I would be interested to hear what you have to say about the story).

However, to gets everything straight...

I have no problem with Muslims.

I have no problem with Christians.

If they faith dictates their attitude to gay people and they are vocally homophobic, then as far as I'm concerned, they are 'the enemy'.

What I abhor, is non-gay people trying to tell me who I should and should not have a problem with.

And one very important point - I do not 'support' any religion. What you may read as 'support' for Islam, is actually 'arguments againsts right wing Islamania'.

Finally, the reason I would find it very difficult to metophorically 'climb into bed' with those who vehemently decry Islam, is because to many of those very same people hate the gays and blacks too.

So - in answer to naomi24/youngmafbog - no, I do not support homophobia in the black or Asian communities.

Not sure what else I can add.

Back to the question at hand...
Morning SP, I wasn’t suggesting you support any religion – mine was simply an observation that having two causes close to your heart – colour prejudice and homophobia, it must be very difficult to reconcile your abhorrence to each when the two are combined. That’s all.

/// What I abhor, is non-gay people trying to tell me who I should and should not have a problem with. ///

Then perhaps you also as a gay person should stop trying to tell non-gay people it is them who are the ones with a problem?

/// And one very important point - I do not 'support' any religion. What you may read as 'support' for Islam, is actually 'arguments againsts right wing Islamania'. ///

Sounds very much to me as support for Islam, along with the usual Right-Wing bashing and label attaching .

/// Finally, the reason I would find it very difficult to metophorically 'climb into bed' with those who vehemently decry Islam, is because to many of those very same people hate the gays and blacks too. ///

There you have said it, you have managed to put all your Islamophobics, homophobics and racists into one basket, do you feel better now?
sp1814 - like most of us, you look for a rational explanation to irrational behaviour, and the simple answer is - there isn't one.

This man is a ball of anger, confusion, fear, and general dislike of strangers, so it's not possible to understand why anyone would take the time and touble to source a toxic liquid and decant it into a bottle, all of which takes planning and forethought, purely with the intention of inflicting pain and distress on complete strangers.

It happens because in a complex society like ours, misfits xo-exist among us, and when they act in a particularly brutal and barbaric way, they make the news.

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Again, I don't want this thread to become a personal point-scoring session. I actually would like to head off into the direction of a debate.

With this in mind, I hope you don't mind if I ignore your posts for now. If you have anything to move the debate on, or if you have any thoughts on these types of attacks, feel free to dive in.

naomi24 - thank you for your post of 10:05. I totally understand where you're coming from.
I recall a post some time ago from Sandy Roe about a Gay Pride march in Belfast.
Gness got best answer for lol about my preference for homosexuality when it was illegal and practised behind closed doors.
I do not condone gratuitous violence of any kind or on any person whatever persuasion,but, if it was less "in our faces" and more discreet then perhaps those with homosexual tendencies would be less recognisable by gay bashers.
Talk about putting yourself up for offer!! Keep it private,keep it discreet and hopefully you won't suffer for your preferences. I am not suggesting that years ago when homosexuality was illegal a discovered gay did'nt get a good bashing but it was'nt so prevalent until they came out the closet in later years.
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That's an interesting point of view, but isn't it really the equivalent of saying to an attractive woman, "Well, you went out dolled up to the nines with make up all over your face - I'm not saying you deserved to be raped, but you really have to take some responsibility for being obviously attractive".

And I don't know whether these attacks have been the result of gay men and women skipping about singing Pet Shop Boys hits at the top of their lungs. The scariest ones I've read about, are when people have been followed when leaving gay clubs.

That's not very 'in your face'...
Not sure what this OP/thread is about, other than to confirm that someone is a bit Radio Rental and who subsequently got a woefully inadequate sentence, but what's new?
Precisely my point.When it was illegal there were NO overtly gay clubs so it was not so prevalent.Now there ARE overtly gay clubs so the likelihood of being ambushed coming out of one is greater.
I think the main purpose of the OP is to invite possible reasons for homophibia. Yes, there are overtly gay clubs but what are the reasons behind being 'ambushed'? Everyone is bound by the ssme laws aren' they and walk the same streets?
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Oh...I see!
The reason why gays are ambushed is because,to some people,the practise is regarded as disgusting,unnatural and perverted so they are given a good hiding to teach them a lesson. They are regarded as freaks and an easy target.

/// Again, I don't want this thread to become a personal point-scoring session. I actually would like to head off into the direction of a debate. ///

You have recently took this attitude against me when it seems that you can't come up with an answer.

I have in no way diverted from the subject matter in hand, if anyone is guilty of that then it is you.

Apparently you seem unaware of what a debate is, well please let me enlighten you, it is where a person gives an opinion on a particular issue and then others join in to answer, either for or against.

In my particular case I was only responding to your points.

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