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What Are The Exit Polls Saying? Are There Indications That The Burghers Of Clacton Have Upset The...

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sandyRoe | 23:28 Thu 09th Oct 2014 | News
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...political apple cart?


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Farage has conceded defeat in H&M
///Er, No. Labour have won and UKIP are 2,500+ behind in second place///
What happened there, gromit?
Apparently the Lib Dems see something of a victory in saving their deposit in Heywood. Well done chaps......!
Labour win by just over 600 votes over UKIP.
Never will such a victory be seen as such abject failure, one feels.
And the shock news from Heywood and Middleton is that the LibDems saved their deposit.

A very poor result for Labour, only 617 votes between them and UKIP in a supposedly safe seat.
Perilously close result.

Now, since a 600-odd majority counts equally with a 20,000 majority, at the division, in Westminster, do you see the point I made before about changing to a block vote system in Westminster such that slim majorities carry as little weight as they ought to?

Note: I'm a Labour supporter (not paid up) but I want to see all votes not in favour of the elected official have some ameliorating effect when bills are voted on, in parliament. Hopefully it will encourage more to vote.
I cannot access any voting figures from the BBC website, but it looks to me as though the combined vote for UKIP and the Tories puts Labour in second place. Not good news for Labour, nor for the Tories.

Yep, UKIP have split the rightwing vote and let Labour in. If that happens at the General election, that would give Labour a good majority.
I think you are right, Gromit. Of course, when the referendum on AV was held 4 years ago UKIP were scarcely on the horizon, otherwise Dave might have had a rethink.
Is this the end of the "Nodding Dog" I think you may know who I mean?
TWR, I don't know who you mean.
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And does it signal the start of a scramble to the right before the next election?
Naomi...(23:30) bed ! At my age, I need as much beauty sleep as I can muster. As soon as Dan Cruickshank finished his wonderful new program on the Royal Palaces, I was up the wooden stairs to Bedfordshire !

There has been a lot of hot air on the radio this morning but in reality, not much has changed. Heywood retained its Labour MP, and it could be argued that Clacton retained its Tory MP, albeit with a sheep in wolves clothing.

By-Elections don't behave like General Elections and never have. In Clacton and Heywood, nobody was voting to see who ends up in Number 10. people traditionally us by-elections as protest votes. This morning Labour have the same number of seats, the Tories have one less, and UKIP have one borrowed seat.

Even if this upward trend with UKIP continues until next May, we still won't end up with a UKIP majority in Westminster, but, as every Tory spokesman will say, and Grant Shapps has said this morning to John Humphrys, it just makes a Labour victory more certain. That is what even dave is saying.

So my message to Tory voters that are tempted to vote for UKIP, all that they will achieve is a Labour administration from next May onwards. Of course, as a Labour supporter, I would want this to happen

Last night could have been better for Labour, it has to be admitted but it was an unmitigated disaster for the Tories. Their own candidate turned traitor and won for Farage.
D.C. Puppy ( Clegg) Nodding Dog!
TWR, oh right. Thanks. I wouldn't agree with that though. I'd say more of a pain in the butt.
lol lol
Just heard Farage repeat the " vote Tory get Labour" mantra, in the 09:00 BBC news, so I guess its official now !
Time now for Cameron to get off his high horse and come to some agreement with Farage re the fielding of candidates at the General Election. If Farage condescends to deal with him. Perhaps its time Cameron went.
I cannot see the logic for the Conservatives to do a deal before the General Election (or if they did, not tell the voters about it). The Clacton result was a protest vote at the Conservative lead Coalition Government. If they voters knew that the Conservatives and UKIP were in bed together, the protest would have just gone elsewhere, not really helping the Conservatives. If the Tories and UKIP did a deal, that would encourage a greater number of defectors to chance joining UKIP, if they knew the Conservatives would not stand against them.

Cameron is caught in a hard place. He is damned if he does a deal with Farage, and damned if he doesn't.
Perhaps a last minute deal? Its more a personal wish, I suppose. I'd like to see the last vestiges of 'this' Labour Party destroyed and a decent, left wing, opposition take their place.

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