TTT...I will agree with you that a Labour victory is looking less likely than it did some months ago, but it is still more likely than a Tory victory. dave is still finding it is impossible to get ahead, and stay ahead of Labour in any Poll. And as OG has implied, its not as if the people are wildly popular about dave either, the only other possible candidate for Number Ten.
Alan Johnson was talked about quite favourably on AB last week, although he has said quite categorically that he will never stand for the Labour Leadership.
He wrote a very good article in the Guardian yesterday. Taken from it are some following points ::
Under Osborne, productivity is abysmal, business investment is weak, and exports are struggling. Meanwhile our national debt is rising faster than any other country in Europe, bar Spain. Borrowing was supposed to 10% down by now, according to Osborne, but is instead 6% up. The Coalition has borrowed more in 3 years than the previous Labour borrowed in 13. Immigration, often blamed on Labour, has risen out of control since 2010, despite dave saying that he would do something about it.
Our present Government claimed that the recession was just a national phenomenon, all Labours fault, rather than a global one. and it still refuses to mention the banks in any of its analysis of what caused the financial crisis. Instead it continues to blame Labour for everything, despite the aforesaid crisis in the American Sub Prime market not being caused by Labours insistence in employing more nurses and Policemen, and introducing the minimum wage.
Johnson said that Ed had not followed dave down the populist path and he praises him for not promising a referendum, because Ed, like dave and Cleggie do not want to leave the EU, but dave is promising a referendum as a way of dealing with the disunity in the Tory party.
All the above may go a long way to explaining way dave is still behind in the Polls, and has been since soon after the last Election. The people may hate dave less than Ed but they still don't believe him or his Party, because they have seen what has happened in the last four and a half years and they realise the folly of allowing dave to continue any longer then necessary.