Stay Safe Leaflets Being Handed Out. in The AnswerBank: News
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Stay Safe Leaflets Being Handed Out.

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anotheoldgit | 12:36 Wed 26th Nov 2014 | News
38 Answers

Will this type of thing make the public more wary of Muslims per-Se, since no one can tell the difference between our peaceful law-abiding Muslims or the crazy Islamic fundamentalists?

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Peter Pedant

Blimey - did Anderton really say that???


It will make some more wary of Muslims.

The rest of us will look at the stats that suggest that you're more likely to win the top prize in the Euromillions lottery, than be killed in a terrorist attack and carry on as normal.

That might sound complacent, but I'm a Londoner - I have travelled by tube and bus for nearly five decades and know that there's no benefit to letting fear dictate my daily business.
Sp - identify, stigmatise and segregate/punish

The terror tsar today was talking sense on teevee
in that he was saying we probably arent allowed to keep them out

but we could control their return -

I feel sorry for them - fleeing muslims in Syria - I think the majority are gormless teenagers such as you see everyday on the streets
and they just dont realise what they are signing up to.

was never like this with International Brigage 1939
No one said o heavens they will come to dear old blighty and start to shoot us up....

[altho there were internment camps in France for the lucky ones that didnt get back home. These were rounded up when Germany occupied Vichy France in 1943 and taken to Sachsenhausen concentration camp. Liberated in 1945 after ten years in the slammer ]

There is a photo of the liberation of Schsenhausen with prisoners around a Spanish banner saluting the liberating Yanquis by los cien deportados and now you know why

and you will find the photo there, above
opposite the bit about staff

los espanoles antifascistas saludan las fuerzas americanas

sudduv odd for a concentration camp in Germany but now you know why

A lot of people can't tell the difference between Muslims, Hindus, Sikhs is the person is of Asian appearance, or Muslim and Christian is the person is of black appearance.
And let us not forget we have white terrorists, too.
hc4361 is correct, most/many people don't know the difference between a Sikh, Hindu and Muslim. Muslims distinguish themselves by their dress, as do Sikh males with their turbans. Sikhs are no problem, many Muslims are. Ordinary, peaceful Muslims should help themselves by abandoning unnecessary religious symbols (scarf etc. and many males wear Punjabi/Arabic clothing) - they would distinguish themselves from hard-liners. Ms Hussain (r4) is an example.
Did Sir John end his days in an asylum? I used to think that he would.
I seem to recall that the last people who shot an innocent person on the London Underground were police officers - I don't believe they were Muslims.
Coming soon: Government advice on what to do if you're standing in the middle of the road and there's a bus heading towards you.
didn't you know. they think we can look at them and think 'He's OK' or He's a bad 'un'. Were all supposed to be mind readers.
lol @ Ludwig. the bus driver cannot stop suddenly. their first thought must always be for the safety of their passengers. emergency stops caused by other vehicles or people entail the most searching investigations and possible loss of job and licence.
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/// The leaflet does not specify what religion terrorists might be. It would be a mistake to assume anyone the threat is only from Muslims, anyone could carrying out such an attack. ///

I wonder if the bookies are taking bets on it, if they are what do you think the odds would be Muslims or others?
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/// The leaflet stated 'Make a plan now, stay safe' ///

Something like out of Dad's Army, I think we should all be issued with Tin Hats and Gas Masks.
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/// That might sound complacent, but I'm a Londoner - I have travelled by tube and bus for nearly five decades and know that there's no benefit to letting fear dictate my daily business. ///

Yes as you say "almost like having a bet on the lottery" except one you expect to win sometime and the other doesn't need thinking about if your ticket does come up.
Question Author

Yes it is time we introduced badges so as to tell the differences, oh but wait a minute though, someone once thought of that.

Yes, maybe Godfrey's sister Dolly could arm everyone with some modified delicious upside-down cakes to hurl at the enemy....
I once saw a man wearing a tshirt with the words

Don't freak, I'm a Sikh.

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