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The Bnp...dead In The Water

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mikey4444 | 16:14 Fri 28th Nov 2014 | News
103 Answers

This chap made a valiant effort to defend his racist Party, but ultimately failed. The best thing the BBC ever did was to allow the odious Nick Griffin on to Question Time 5 years ago. Perhaps they should do the same with "Britain First" !


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Dreadful. Well done to mikey I say for reminding us of the shocking nature of these people. I suspect Farage won't have appreciated the plug for his party from that particular quarter as a matter of fact... At least the BNP did have a few seats so probably deserved a bit of airtime, but I see no reason why BF should be accorded the same publicity. 56 votes and all...
22:27 Fri 28th Nov 2014

It makes for entertainment I guess.
Remember, Mikey, it's a legitimate political party.

Say, wait a minute. That sounds familiar. Gosh, where have I heard that...? Oh, it's on the tip of my tongue... I think... Oh! I know! (see answer by raysparx1) (answer from oddnob)

Well, I don't know about all of you, but I'm so grateful that's all finally behind us now. I am, so, so glad that nobody is any longer insisting a party is "legitimate" for no reason other than the fact that it is registered as existing. Nowadays we quite sensibly have taken to judging political parties by the actions and words of the people in them, rather than accepting anyone who wears a suit as legitimate. Truly, we have dodged a bullet there. Indeed. Yep.


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You seriously cannot equate UKIP with the BNP, nor with the NASDP. That just brings grist to UKIP's mill.
I think methyl was hit on the head with a cricket ball.
...or he's been on the methyl(ated) spirits.
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Read my lips. The UKIP are not "far right", they merely wish to disengage from the EU. What's fascist about that?
I share your concern methyl, the UKIP situation too closely parallels Germany in the Thirties for me.
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When UKIP start acting like this then perhaps I'll change my mind. Until then...
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Slight typo on my part; should have read NSDAP.

Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (help. info), abbreviated NSDAP), commonly referred to in English as the Nazi Party
it's because of fools like we see here that the far-right are on the rise. The liberal/left have read Animal Farm and 1984 but instead of seeing them as a warning have used them as guide-books.
Svejk, how very astute and observant you are. Wish I'd thought of that comparison.
We'd better be careful, blackadder, we're straying from group-think. We'll be getting reported, lol. ;)
Best call it a night, Svejk. To paraphrase Winston Smith, "It is a dull, cold morning in November and the clock has struck thirteen".
I really, really have no idea how you sleep on so damp a mattress.

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