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How Can This Really Be What Allah Intends?

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ToraToraTora | 11:44 Wed 17th Dec 2014 | News
82 Answers
Surely, even the warped version if Islam that the Taliban subscribe to cannot justify the Peshawar masacre. Is there someone out there who can explain the thinking behind this? I am totally mystified.


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As always with these discussions there is some considerable confusion here solely because the western intellect continually fails to comprehend a mind-set that is driven wholly by religion. Islam dictates every aspect of a fundamentalist Muslim’s life – it even instructs on how to go to the toilet! The latest atrocity in Pakistan took place at a...
14:25 Wed 17th Dec 2014
The the Guardian must get its opinions from you, Andy.
In Svejk's absence - I believe it stands for 'Religion of Peace'.
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Andy, when I say WW3 I mean that but not only in the military sense. The problem is that these people cannot be reasoned with. No amount of our understanding will change their core belief. Hence we have to treat it like and infestation, a disease and eliminate the strain. The civilised world must mobilise, we must first engage the Islamic world in this, they claim to be mostly moderate then they shold have no qualms about joining us. Saudi Arabia should lead the Islamic world in this. We then must make it so difficult to be an extremist that no one wants to be one. Like you I don’t know how to do it but I know they cannot be reasoned with and I know that playing at military action will not work. I have said on at least three occasions that if we are going to do something, it needs to be massive but I know that politicians etc will do the proverbial half arsed job.
One day, if there's any justice, our treacherous politicians will pay for inviting 5 million muslims to live here, in what they now concede was a failed 'experiment'. Then they introduced PC to cover their crime. You don't have to look too far to see how ingrained that ruse has become.
Have we not already tried to kill them all, was that what 200 years of holy war was about?
Thanks, Jourdain. So that's what the P stands for.
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who said anything about killing them all?
ROP is Right On something or other. youngmafbog gets round the insult rule in a very childish way.
In that case I stand half corrected ;)
you mean fully corrected.
Other people can read, frog.
it isn't. only cowards and c**** kill children and burn unarmed civilians. they will definitely not see paradise.
Did someone quote Sura 5?
Can I have a go too?
The verse quoted ("it is as if he killed..." is preceded by these lines: "He who kills a soul neither in revenge for another, nor to prevent corruption on earth...".
And is followed by these verses (stress by VE):
"In truth, the punishment of those who make war against God AND HIS MESSENGER, and roam the earth corrupting it, is that they be killed, OR CRUCIFIED, or have their hands and feet amputed, alternately [?], or be exiled from the land. This would be their shame in the present life, and in the next A TERRIBLE TORMENT awaits them - except those who repent BEFORE YOU GAIN MASTERY OVER THEM. Therefore , you must understand that God is ALL-FORGIVING, COMPASSIONATE TO EACH".
Any Koranic scholars out there who've got anything to say?
No, I didn't think so.
Any friends of the ROP got anything to say?
Lol, of course all other religious texts are completely normal, take revelations.

Nothing to see there.
// I see we have had the usual semi apologetics on here again, even after a sickening Islamic crime such as this. //

come on AOG name the guilty men !

I dont even think I have heard apologists in Pak er apologising....
This is an explanation by our own ROP representative, keyplus.
\\ There is no doubt that all of these people have been (and are being) created by CIA to confuse world into thinking that these are the same people who are fighting Americans in AFGHANISTAN.//
So there you are, the fault lies with America, not with these child murdering cowards.
RandyMarsh, your point being … what? As far as I’m aware the people who do read Revelations are not those who are currently slaughtering innocent people and creating mayhem the world over.
Revelation is a better read, RandyMarsh. I'ts got ***, horny beasts and a guest appearance by Clint Eastwood.

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