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Driver In Stand-Off Over Parking In Disabled Bay.

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andy-hughes | 09:53 Wed 24th Dec 2014 | News
35 Answers
Was he right to make a stand?

Should the towing company have backed down?

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It appears that most people are a lot less forgiving then they were yesterday.

As the song goes " What a difference a day makes" !
Highways are governed by national laws enforced by the police.

Parking is devolved to local authorities and they have their own bye-laws which are enforced by wardens or contractors.

This man was parked in an area where local bye-laws applied. The 8 hour / obstructing rule applies to highways not parking. If you park in the wrong place, there is no time limit before you vehicle is towed away.

This man is a selfish idiot, and if the result is that he is no longer on the roads, then that is a positive for every law abiding road user.
"Under Road Traffic Acts, yes, but we are talking about a private car park."

Not really relevant to this question because,as the photo clearly shows,this took place on a public highway. Gromit has also provided a succinct explanation of the situation that prevailed, in particular the fact that parking is not governed by the Road Traffic Act.

However, for information, almost all matters that are covered by the RTA apply in private car parks to which the public has "unfettered access" (e.g. Tesco's car park).
Which law/regulation mentions the eight hours period?
I restate what I said yesterday - if you are going to chance parking where you should not till your mate comes out of his workplace - stay with the vehicle so you can move pronto if needed.

The man has no nous whatsoever.
//Mr Sanders is no stranger to civil liberties protests, and has had affiliations to a number of groups including Lawful Rebellion and The British Constitution Group.//

dave50...."There are far too many disabled spaces in car parks"

How can you possibly know that ? In order to make a statement like that, you would have to know how many disabled people there in your locality and what percentage of able-body people there are and then do a calculation.

Its not often that I agree with youngmafbog, but I am with him 100% here. Disabled spaces are indeed there for a purpose. Just because you see some empty ones, doesn't mean that there are too many, and it would be daft to suggest such a thing.

I always prefer to park in the Parent and Child spaces, So civilised and so much more room!
lol Baldric !
Good to see the festive spirit is alive and well during the season of good will to all men.
If he thinks he's won a battle, let him think it.
Many people would not think it worth eight hours of their time to avoid a penalty charge of around £120.
He is unlikely to try chanching his arm again.
I am in agreement with disabled parking spaces be used by disabled drivers ONLY, anyone else parking in them should be fined imo.
As for large supermarkets, out of town, types then I think that too many spaces are given to mother and child , you sit and watch a Chelsea tractor pull in and a 6ft Amazon gets out with her mother. Lets have disabled spaces near the entrances, mother and child spaces a bit further away and some spaces for old people who have grown up children and are not disabled half way between.
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So where does Santa park his sleigh? ^^^^

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