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Doctor Prosecuted For Fgm.

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mikey4444 | 19:14 Mon 19th Jan 2015 | News
57 Answers

It has been said here on AB that not enough prosecutions are being made for FGM in Britain, so lets hope that this is the first on many. ( many prosecutions, that is, not FGMs )


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I don't think FGM can be compared to Circumcision. Circumcision doesn't affect sexual feeling. FGM is performed to suppress a woman's sexual desires and depending on what type she's had it stops her from having sex full stop.
//When I met an Aussie girl I was surprised when she told me that the majority of Australian blokes are circumcised, nothing at all to do with religion...//
Good for them...if its their choice.
Question Author
Mush...I would suggest that the parents of these girls need to change their distorted view of such things and realise that they are in the 21st century.
"FGM is performed to suppress a woman's sexual desires"

Why? And how is it acceptable for some of the males to engage in some of the most perverted sexual activity with under aged females and marry children yet females have this disgusting form of abuse
Now you can read the link, kindly provided by wolf, you can see the purpose of these NATIONWIDE FGM units provided by the NHS at British taxpayer's expense. I repeat, as the link says, it is an alien cultural practice done for non medical purposes. It is not the practice to assault women with FGM in a modern civilised culture as is ours and must be discouraged by robust penury measures. If the the procedure goes wrong then the family who allow this practice to happen should be forced to pay for the procedure to be remedied and also prosecuted. By opening FGM clinics all over the UK does not stop the problem. Prosecution might.
Retrocop,//If the the procedure goes wrong then the family who allow this practice to happen should be forced to pay for the procedure to be remedied //

It's a disgusting procedure. Once done, it can't be remedied. You can't replace what's been cut off.
I am talking about septacaemia here when the procedure is carried out by some back street witch doctor type armed with a rusty razor blade and no anaesthetic where victim is held down. Shock trauma etc. That is what I mean by going wrong.
I've never had a sexually transmitted disease, nor been addicted to drugs or alcohol but I don't object to the NHS providing services for those that do.

Most of those seen at the FGM clinics will be adult women who had the procedure abroad whilst they were young girls. Most of the procedures that are happening today take place abroad. Prosecution is not possible in those cases.

I am very against FGM (I have a family member who has been deformed in this way) but I worry that those that have had it done will not seek help if and when things go wrong.

By providing this service the government agencies will know who has had it done and can hopefully help prevent their daughters from also getting the same done to them.

That has got to better than keeping the whole thing 'underground' and having families perpetuate it. I hate to think of any young girl who is ill for any reason not getting treatment because the parents fear that the FGM is discovered by a doctor and repercussions follow. I hate to think of any pregnant woman not getting the maternity care they need because they are fearful of repercussions about the FGM they had without their consent.

It is too easy to press for prosecutions without looking at the consequences although any doctor that performs this surgery in this country should be sentenced to prison and struck off.
Question Author are right of course. FGM can never be compared to the mutilation of baby boys. FGM is much, much worse, and I didn't intend to say differently. My apologies if my post have that impression.

But circumcision of boys is entirely unnecessary, even if it isn't done for religious reasons. Its a practise that has gone on without much of a debate for many years, and I think that should change. The BBC had an excellent documentary, a couple of years ago, about two Canadian boys, which ended in tragedy ::::

This could never have happened if the twins were not subjected to the circumcision in the first place.
FGM can have lifelong consequences.
Women need to be able to access help for that, wherever they originated.
Your lack of compassion for other human beings makes me wonder why you chose such a public servant profession sometimes Retrocop.
I am very aware that FGM can have lifelong traumatic consequences as well as disfigurement and other medical issues. That is why FGM must be discouraged and not encouraged.
The death of a loved one by a drunk driver can lead to lifelong traumatic pain, or, the mugging of an old lady. That is why it is discouraged by the laws of this country. I have shown more compassion to the victims in my lifetime. Not the perpertators!!
Women who have had FGM are also victims retrocop.
To answer your query. I chose that profession to serve the public in order to find and lock up the scum that would cause that mutilation. Satisfied ?
Well that's noble and all, but you want to leave the victims high and dry at the same time. I wouldn't wish that on them. They've been through enough IMO.
There are, I believe, certain medical circumstances which can warrant male circumcision. There are none which justify F.G.M..
If you read my penultimate sentence of my 1937 post you would see I stated that I had plenty of compassion for victims (i.e Women who were subjected to FGM) but not the perpertrators (who aid,abet or promote FGM) Please read properly before jumping down my throat. You seem to think I am condoning this practice.
I don;t think you condone it at all retrocop, but your disdain for the help offered to the victims suggests that you begrudge them in some way.
You said this:

I believe St Mary's Hospital, Paddington opened a wing last year for these cases of FGM at the British taxpayer's expense. (my italics)
Correct. If I presented myself to some hospital in a muslim country,say Nigeria, and said I needed treatment for AIDS because I was a practicing homosexual do you think the taxpayer's of Nigeria would help me ? No because it is illegal in that country or where ever . FGM is illegal in this country also. You have to remember that FGM is sometimes carried out by a family member (granny). Do you hope for that practice be passed down through the females of that family in this country without being robustly discouraged and the perpertrators being forced to pay a financial penalty for medical services that are required by the victim?
Sorry to be graphic but my understanding of female genital mutilation is the removal of the clitoris and the sewing together of the labia. So when this lady`s labia split during childbirth (which is no surprise really) she wasn`t exactly left with a "gaping wound" She was left as nature intended (apart from the damage caused by being stitched up in the first place) The doctor sewed the labia back together because he thought that is what she wanted him to do. That (to me) amounts to FGM
I'm in South Africa at the moment and on television the other day saw a public service advert encouraging male circumcision. This was for adults and, according to my doctor friends here, for health reasons.

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