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Life Was Much Easier Before Multiculturalism

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anotheoldgit | 12:37 Thu 22nd Jan 2015 | News
163 Answers

If anyone should complain it is those who want to buy a white doll, why are they more expensive?


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How much time do you want to give me? You mentioned errr "recent atrocities"

I think we've been down this road before, but I will try to explain - some words have bad connotations. Some don't. And unfortunately it's the history of those words which dictates their impact now.

Words and the weight those words have, is determined by history, those who use them and those who those words are 'describing'.

A good example is the P word to describe people of Asian descent. It was used by people who didn't have a racist bone in their body back in the 70s, but unfortunately it was co-opted by certain groups in the mid to late part of that decade, and now there is a generation for whom '***s Out' is a memory of graffiti sprayed on too many walls around their homes.

That's why certain words carry a shadow - not because of the word itself (which is simple a shortened version of Pakistani), but the shadow it has attached to it.
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/// I doubt anyone would be taken seriously if they went into a Police station screaming 'racial abuse' because they'd been a called a Froggy B ///

So it is only some who have the privilege not to be insulted, and who also have the full backing of the law behind them?

That is discrimination in my eyes.

I'm not even sure when half time is.

AOG is in charge of the whistle...!!

Actually, the Equalities Act Covers racist abuse in all directions.

People outside AB are not part of my New Year's resolution.

There is absolutely no way I could possibly maintain that level of equanimity.

Let me start by simply not being rude on AB when provoked and go from there.
Why is 'Nip' more insulting than 'Jap'?
I did state "afaik" - maybe it isn't - it's debatable but the point is that you listed a selection of (possibly) insulting terms that only included one that referred to a non-caucasian ethnic group.

"*Oh I see "the intolerant white" so to be from another race one has to be black or dark skinned? and we all know there are no intolerant ones amongst them, don't we?"

Ok, we seem to be unclear about what different races there actually are.
Well as far as I know, the main ones are : caucasoid, negroid, mongaloid, australoid and various subcategories of those - sorry if I've missed any obvious ones out, as far as I'm concerned it's "one world one people" and I'm colourblind.

Yes, of course it works the other way round.

(*re "Oh I see" .. this sort of sarcasm which you use a LOT is rude in my book)

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/// If anyone on AB is a committed Daily Mail reader, then they can consider themselves as part of the demographic I don't consider thick (I said that I don't consider ALL Daily Mail rwaders thick). ///

Wow I have head of the 'Get out of Jail Free' card, but this just about takes the biscuit for getting out of a sticky situation.

Those Daily Mail readers out there should immediately sign up to AnswerBank if you don't want to be considered 'THICK' by SP.

Pity Answerprancer doesn't apply this reasoning, because he thinks everyone is thick who doesn't agree with him.
/// I doubt anyone would be taken seriously if they went into a Police station screaming 'racial abuse' because they'd been a called a Froggy B ///

So it is only some who have the privilege not to be insulted, and who also have the full backing of the law behind them?

That is discrimination in my eyes]

I think you missed the point AOG, this wouldn't be racial abuse unless the person shouting "Froggy B" was from a different race. You don't actually think the (white) French and the (white) British are two separate races do you?

"he thinks everyone is thick who doesn't agree with him".
No he doesn't. That is utter cráp.
Give examples of where I have accused someone of being "thick" simply because they disagreed with me.
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/// Actually, the Equalities Act Covers racist abuse in all directions. ///

Yer as if? I know a little regarding police procedure and I know that if a non-white person is targeted in any way, the first thing the police will ask is "do you think this is racially motivated"?

This question is never asked if the victim happens to be a white person.

You wrote:

"This question is never asked if the victim happens to be a white person."

I believe that is an opinion, rather than fact.

What did you make of my earlier post about the 'P' word? Do you think that makes sense as to why it has 'a reputation' not shared with other nationality abbreviations?
If the N word causes so much offence then why do some black people call other black people N* especially these stupid looking gang type fakes who waste their days strutting around the hood. Does a black person calling another black person racist names offend or is it acceptable ?
Context, Orderlimit. I thought it was obvious.
This has happened a lot in recent years, the 're-claiming' of offensive terms by the victims of those words for the purposes of empowerment.
Do you *really* not get that?
"This has happened a lot in recent years, the 're-claiming' of offensive terms by the victims of those words for the purposes of empowerment. "

"Do you *really* not get that?"

Err No
Seems like one bend over backwards acceptable rule to one colour but totally illegal to another.
Ok then Orderlimit, I think this explains it better than I can:
I suppose it's not much different from one homosexual saying to another, "Ooh, get you, you old queen!" which, if said by a non-homosexual might be considered offensive.
Well having read the link all I can say is our dark skinned friends continue to display a massive chip on their shoulders. It is OK man for us bros to call each other the N word but you white honkies are dissing us if you call us the N word. Equality! Integration! Multiculturalism! What a joke.

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