I would like to ask him why he is relaxing Planning Regulations in order to allow construction companies to build on unsuitable land.
On a field to doors away from my home, Barratt have applied to build 200 hundred houses on a field designated as both a greenfield site, and a flood plane.
I am advised that the government can reverse flood plane status if they wish? How does this work? Do they have a hotline to Mother Nature to advise that flooding is no longer going to apply on the site?
And why is the government allowing applications for planning permission on a greenfield site like this, when the city has enough derelict brownfield sites to cover an area the size of Milton Keynes.
More houses Mr Cameron - certainly, but why not make firms build affordable housing for a deprived city, instead of luxury housing on a field with no proper access, and a flood danger?
Over to you PM. Want my vote? Answer my questions please.