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Amazing Cctv Footage Of A Car Jack !

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mikey4444 | 19:59 Wed 04th Feb 2015 | News
11 Answers

Give a medal and a large juicy bone to that dog please !


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Why has the suspect been released on bail ? Surely this man is dangerous ?
I was hoping for a big dog, with big teeth and a criminal with a chunk of his behind removed.

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Alas no wolfie...although little dogs can sometimes reach the parts that other dogs can't, if my Yorkie is anything to go by !
The little girl in my avatar is a Pit Bull in disguise. She is evil.

The woman could have been badly injured - she has been lucky.
Give a medal and a large juicy bone to that dog please !

It did nowt.

This was amazing footage
I'm rather relying on our small terrier to keep illegals out of our cars when we drive back from France in March. No-one will pass unnoticed!
jourdain - mikey has a Yorkshire Wolfhound. Tenacious little 'darlings'.

Talbot - I am not sure that I could have kept driving after the sight of the plane crossing the bridge. Considering it went down in such a built up area the death toll could have been much higher. Scary stuff.

The strange thing about the clip is - it wasn't CCTV. There was someone filming from the upstairs window (as evidenced by the camera movement).

The lesson I gleaned from the clip however was this - never leave your car keys in the ignition.

Not for a second.

It was a spur of the moment crime
, You are right SP - but why chase after the car? If there was a dog or cat or baby/child I could understand it.

Good job I can't drive - one less thing to worry about.

I made the mistake of upgrading my car alarm to 'top of the range' when I bought the car. I should have read the details. Instead of it being better it is just more frustrating. I try to load or unload the car and the damned thing triggers itself after a short while, making sure the next time I do something the alarm goes off. Just for the fun of annoying the %$^"^£%$&£^$ out of me. The one way to stop it, leave the keys in the ignition whilst I load or unload. Of yes, that's much better than the original alarm, much less likely to get nicked. Good design that.
What amazes me is the driver who comes up the road as this poor woman is left lying there, and simply carries on, when he or she must have seen what just happened. Fortunately the next driver was somewhat more compassionate and did stop to help.

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Amazing Cctv Footage Of A Car Jack !

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