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Doctor Found Not Guilty Of Performing Fgm

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mikey4444 | 18:24 Wed 04th Feb 2015 | News
26 Answers

I am fairly certain that this was the case that we discussing here on AB recently. Apparently the jury took less than 30 mins to acquit him.

Sqad....I recall that you said that you would follow this case with interest.


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From what I've heard he should never have been charged.

How much has this cost?
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Yes Shoota...I heard that on the Radio this evening while driving home.
A colleague at work said that FGM to certain people, was like Live Aid to others...something they can shout about in order to get some kind of credibility, but in truth - a few months down the line, they would have completely forgotten about it.

I think there's some ugly validity in that.
The GMC may still get excited about this case which is always bad news for a doctor

various surprises in the case
the patient appeared herself and gave evidence

The defence successfully argued that the defendant doctor had been scape goated by a malfunctioning hospital

There was an FGM hospital pathway - basically a zillion people with clip-boards appear from nowhere making notes and social workers trained in FGM issues join in the fun ....

and pre natally the patient never got onto it

and all agreed she should have been

all designed specifically so that at delivery no one runs around saying that they have never seen anything like this before but instead everyone knows what to do post-partum

so after delivery the registrar is called to restore the status quo

a midwife trained in FGM ( hang on I thought mum had missed out on all that ) pointed at the reg and said: that's FGM you're not meant to have done that !
and everyone else ran around saying they had never seen anything like it before in their lives

The hospital held an inquiry and I cant work out if details of the c++k-up were published or whether it was the work of the defence lawyers on cross-examination.

Defence tells the jury the doctor is a scape goat
and the jury acquit in 30 mins

commentators come out of the wood work and comment the case should never have been brought

( Details of the back-story are in todays Teleg and Times )

Was that an attempt at putting yourself on the right side of abused women, Peter? Any chance of educating the moral retards on this thread?
no that was an explanation about why the doctor who had been getting a really bad press was ( sort of inexplicably ) acquitted by a jury in 30 mins

A hard to find hospital report figured in the spectacular acquittal for Manslaughter ( R v Lee and Murphy )
The defence knew about it but it took a year to surface

A typically lucid reply. Thanks, Peter.
Which 'moral retards' are you referring to VE?
The defenders of FGM for :cultural/social cohesion/politicallly correct or other spurious reasons, Shoota. Which of those groups (if any) are you included in?
I ask only because I'm interested .
There is no evidence that FGM occurred here otherwise the trial would have continued.
If you were referring to me then I'd be obliged if you'd point out your evidence for the statement.
I ask only because I'm interested .
There is a God above.

This should have never been brought to court on the evidence that I have seen.

A Junior Surgeon could have had his career ruined.

He was " hung out to dry" but the court saw through this, plus the Consiltant in charge played little or no part despite being in overall charge of the case.

A satisfactory outcome in my opinion.
Time for le moving, je crois. There Au revoir à tous in the boatycrew.
sorry wrong thread
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I think you are right Sqad. I have just heard the CPS being interviewed on the The Today Program ( can you get Radio in the Med ? ) and she refused to admit that a mistake had been made, despite the Jury taking less than 30 seconds to acquit this poor chap.
// There is no evidence that FGM occurred here otherwise the trial would have continued. //

erm sorry yes the post delivery repair which restored how it looked like before WAS deemed to be criminal FGM by the CPS

and the trial continued to acquittal ( all the way boys ! ) despite three applications to dismiss - of which one was probably a Galbraith application and all three were turned down by the judge.
c'mon MIkey
they took 30 m to acquit

and the lady making an ass of herself on the radio this am
was none other than Alison Saunders Director of Public prosecutions

saying the system is meant to work like this ( again)

Both sides find their own costs

the defence would NOT be able to recover costs even in a massacre like this
FGM has been illegal in the UK since 1985, and yet no one has yet been charged, why?
The lady defends her position - spending our money without visible result - here

AOG irrelevant - I take that back: completely irrelevant
Alison S had been slow to come to her cake and ha'penny and seeing that women who come into the country with it already done can't be proceeded against.

and ya know what - people sympathetic to this, tell the parents to take the daughters ABROAD to have it done, and ya know further what ? parents don't then turn themselves into the police.

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Doctor Found Not Guilty Of Performing Fgm

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