I have just listened to the Today Program.
A former female member of staff at Stoke Mandeville was being interviewed, and she still thinks Savile was wonderful. The presenter, Justin Webb
( I think ) gave this woman numerous opportunities to admit that although she saw nothing amiss herself, she now believed Savile to be the monster that he was. But she still refused to admit this.
So, is it any wonder that Savile got away with the appalling crimes he did and for so long ? Even now, when the evidence is overwhelming, there are still people around who bury their heads in the sand. I find that almost unbelievable, at least I did before I heard this woman being interviewed this morning.
It was said when the news first broke about Savile.........."why was nothing done" ? and "someone must have known" well we now know that health professionals WERE told, but decided to nothing, and as far as I am concerned they are no more than accessories to the crime itself.
The whole thing disgusts me.
The Report will be published at 09:30 this morning and it will be interesting to see if people are named. I think that it is essential that they are and that they should be brought to account ASAP, so that any reoccurrence of a similar nature is made less likely.