Quizzes & Puzzles4 mins ago
Fao Aog
For 18 months you expressed some concern about a large influx of immigrants from Romania & Bulgaria much to the mirth of some ABers. In view of this week's figures that 187,000 have indeed flooded in from those 2 countries in 12 months, are you happy that you were proved right and 'the usual suspects' have a great deal of egg on their faces. Or does it just deepen your original concerns.
There does seem to be a multitude of self- loathing anti-Brits on this site!
17:05 Mon 02nd Mar 2015
If I've got the arithmetic right, £7 10s 5d converts to £7.52 whole pounds so if you take the year to be 52 (some workplaces use 52.2 but I wont), that comes to £391.04.
So AOG was closer but he was still 33% out, which is wrog in anyone's book.
Bread: converting 6d using 6/240 (2.5p) is valid, as a starting point before any assessment of inflation is assessed. You only have to look up The Government Actuary's tables of pensions increase factors to get an assessment of 62/64 years's worth of *cumulative* inflation. The figures are recalculated annually for that reason.
To know what the price of a loaf "felt like" you need to assess it as a percentage of the weekly wage (or salary equivalent).
6d out of 1805d is 0.33241%
125 out of 51923p is 0.24074%
So the 1.25 bread (cheapo sliced white?) is cheaper than it was.
Or I am not comparing like with like?
Yes, I am comparing a 1950s manual labourer with a middle-management office worker (£27000). So all I'm finding there is that bread is more affordable to someone in a better paid job.
Crudely 125d/2.5p is 50-fold inflation, putting the labourer on £19552 per year (376/wk).
How does that sound to the £27-thousanders?
So AOG was closer but he was still 33% out, which is wrog in anyone's book.
Bread: converting 6d using 6/240 (2.5p) is valid, as a starting point before any assessment of inflation is assessed. You only have to look up The Government Actuary's tables of pensions increase factors to get an assessment of 62/64 years's worth of *cumulative* inflation. The figures are recalculated annually for that reason.
To know what the price of a loaf "felt like" you need to assess it as a percentage of the weekly wage (or salary equivalent).
6d out of 1805d is 0.33241%
125 out of 51923p is 0.24074%
So the 1.25 bread (cheapo sliced white?) is cheaper than it was.
Or I am not comparing like with like?
Yes, I am comparing a 1950s manual labourer with a middle-management office worker (£27000). So all I'm finding there is that bread is more affordable to someone in a better paid job.
Crudely 125d/2.5p is 50-fold inflation, putting the labourer on £19552 per year (376/wk).
How does that sound to the £27-thousanders?
Gromit/// Thanks New Judge.
If you had read the bottom of page 5, it make plain that the 187,000 figure is mostly made up of Bulgarians/Romanians who were here prior to 1.1.14.
// Previously published analysis indicates that EU2 NINo registration figures from the 1st January 2014 are actually reflecting migration over an extended period: Approx 36% of those EU2 nationals registering for a NINo since transitional controls were lifted had arrived in the UK before 1st January 2014 // ///
No wonder the economy nose-dives when the 'left' get their hands on it. /// mostly made up of Bulgarians/Romanians who were here prior to 1.1.14.///
Since when did 36% constitute the most.
I already said that the Gov. claimed a third were already here. As they would, as it's in their favour to minimise current immigration figures.
Even if we accept the Gov. figures that c60,000 were stealing and working on the fiddle before 2014, that steal leaves 120,000 that turned up and still means you lot owe OAG an apology for ridiculing him last year.(which was the point of the thread)
Incidentally, (lefty) not everything can be measured in L.s.d.
If you had read the bottom of page 5, it make plain that the 187,000 figure is mostly made up of Bulgarians/Romanians who were here prior to 1.1.14.
// Previously published analysis indicates that EU2 NINo registration figures from the 1st January 2014 are actually reflecting migration over an extended period: Approx 36% of those EU2 nationals registering for a NINo since transitional controls were lifted had arrived in the UK before 1st January 2014 // ///
No wonder the economy nose-dives when the 'left' get their hands on it. /// mostly made up of Bulgarians/Romanians who were here prior to 1.1.14.///
Since when did 36% constitute the most.
I already said that the Gov. claimed a third were already here. As they would, as it's in their favour to minimise current immigration figures.
Even if we accept the Gov. figures that c60,000 were stealing and working on the fiddle before 2014, that steal leaves 120,000 that turned up and still means you lot owe OAG an apology for ridiculing him last year.(which was the point of the thread)
Incidentally, (lefty) not everything can be measured in L.s.d.
The actual figures were posted by mushroom25 at post No.3. These figures are for the 12 months up to September 2014 (ie, they include 3 months prior to the restrictions on working being lifted).
// Passenger Survey (IPS)2 are for the year ending September 2014, when an estimated 37,000 Bulgarian and Romanian citizens immigrated to the UK. This is a statistically significant increase from 24,000 for the year ending September 2013. //
2013 - 24,000
2014 - 37,000
An increase from when the 'floodgates' were opened of 15,000.
The actual figures were posted by mushroom25 at post No.3. These figures are for the 12 months up to September 2014 (ie, they include 3 months prior to the restrictions on working being lifted).
// Passenger Survey (IPS)2 are for the year ending September 2014, when an estimated 37,000 Bulgarian and Romanian citizens immigrated to the UK. This is a statistically significant increase from 24,000 for the year ending September 2013. //
2013 - 24,000
2014 - 37,000
An increase from when the 'floodgates' were opened of 15,000.
that maybe so but I get the impression that 'kippers don't like any of them being here so they'd be more interested in the cumulative totals than annuals and increases/decreases. It could be 10,15 or more years' worth that they are concerned about.
How long ago did the EU start developing leaky borders? When did sub-Saharan Africa start seeing what our lifestyle was like, through films/TV/Radio and begin desiring to be here?
that maybe so but I get the impression that 'kippers don't like any of them being here so they'd be more interested in the cumulative totals than annuals and increases/decreases. It could be 10,15 or more years' worth that they are concerned about.
How long ago did the EU start developing leaky borders? When did sub-Saharan Africa start seeing what our lifestyle was like, through films/TV/Radio and begin desiring to be here?
Who cares about surveys and 'spun' figures. The Gov. issued 187,000 N.I. No's. Whether some of them were previously here illegally or got hold of N.I. no's to claim benefits from at home in Budesti or Dumbraveni is neither here nor there.
Google Romanian/Answerbank and behold the scorn that poured forth from you and 'the usual suspects' on anyone concerned about immigration from Romania.
I know it's turned out to be highly embarrassing for your 'gang' but sometimes, even if you can't bring yourselves to apologise, you just have to admit you got it wrong. (and made absolute tits of yourselves into the bargain.)
Google Romanian/Answerbank and behold the scorn that poured forth from you and 'the usual suspects' on anyone concerned about immigration from Romania.
I know it's turned out to be highly embarrassing for your 'gang' but sometimes, even if you can't bring yourselves to apologise, you just have to admit you got it wrong. (and made absolute tits of yourselves into the bargain.)
I know exactly what happened, partly because you can't think things through for yourselves and partly because you only see what you want to see, you fell for that Gov/BBC spin about only 1 immigrant getting off the plane at Heathrow on New Years Day. You saw the scorn that was poured on Nigel Farage and thought 'what fun, we'll do that'.
Well it has well and truly backfired on the Gov. and the BBC, and unfortunately for you boys, anyone dim enough to believe the manure they keep shovelling out.
Well it has well and truly backfired on the Gov. and the BBC, and unfortunately for you boys, anyone dim enough to believe the manure they keep shovelling out.
// The figure of 187,000 is the number of Bulgarian/Romanians getting a National Insurance number in 2014, it is not the total of immigrants from those countries in 2014.
Bulgarians/Romanians have been able to come here since 2007 but restrictions were put on them working so they did not need an NI number. Once those restrictions were lifted on 1.1.14, they need a NI number. Hence, the people already here before 1.1.14 applied for one.
So 187,000 is likely to be close to the toal who have come here since 2007, with 37,000 arriving in 2014.
No one doubted there would be an increase, but some of us doubted it would be on the same scale as the EU1 immigration when millions of Polish immigrants arrive. that position has proven to be the correct one.
Bulgarians/Romanians have been able to come here since 2007 but restrictions were put on them working so they did not need an NI number. Once those restrictions were lifted on 1.1.14, they need a NI number. Hence, the people already here before 1.1.14 applied for one.
So 187,000 is likely to be close to the toal who have come here since 2007, with 37,000 arriving in 2014.
No one doubted there would be an increase, but some of us doubted it would be on the same scale as the EU1 immigration when millions of Polish immigrants arrive. that position has proven to be the correct one.
I wrote this on a Tora thread in 2013.
// The 1 million Poles who came under the last Government did not instantly receive 'handouts', they didn't need them, they got jobs. If the new batch of immigrants have jobs to come to, being denied benefits that they were not going to get in the first place will not make a jot of difference.
The only deterent is that the jobs market today is very different than 10 years ago. That will stop many economic migrants . //
// The 1 million Poles who came under the last Government did not instantly receive 'handouts', they didn't need them, they got jobs. If the new batch of immigrants have jobs to come to, being denied benefits that they were not going to get in the first place will not make a jot of difference.
The only deterent is that the jobs market today is very different than 10 years ago. That will stop many economic migrants . //
//I watch the BBC, Svejk. Is any of that rant aimed at me?//
//Am I among 'the usual suspects'? //
Also unanswered.
//Have I fallen for their spin? //
I only said I *watched* their rendition of the news. What is it about the views I express which gives you cause to assert that I believe them 100%?
//I watch the BBC, Svejk. Is any of that rant aimed at me?//
//Am I among 'the usual suspects'? //
Also unanswered.
//Have I fallen for their spin? //
I only said I *watched* their rendition of the news. What is it about the views I express which gives you cause to assert that I believe them 100%?