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The Tale Of An Economic Refugee.

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anotheoldgit | 10:42 Sat 25th Apr 2015 | News
77 Answers

Read this in full to realise how this woman and her young child finely arrived in Britain.

The story brings tears to one's eyes, but I am afraid not tears of pity, but tears of despair.

Marvellous she is at least housed and her child has a place in school, more than can be said for some of our own.



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.....quite often with mental health issues. That's a whole,different situation.
Take a walk in a big city and you'll also see alcoholics, drug addicts and professional beggars. That's not a reason to not help someone who is trying to help themselves.

Yes Zac I did read she was raped, but this was in a Refugee Camp in the Netherlands where her brother an pd cousin live, so why didn't they help her and her son.
I've no idea. Do you?
Angela Merkel in today's paper says Britain is not doing enough to help these refugees. Perhaps the Queen could open up a few of her houses to help a few thousand or turn a few golf courses in the rich belt in Surrey into refugee camps. No just keep putting these poor souls in the over crowded cities.
Hit the nail on the head, there fusion. The middle-classes love the 'idea' of mass immigration as long as they don't live near them.
Exactly Svejk, they don't have trouble getting school places for their kids or have to pass filthy African Supermarkets selling God knows what as they walk their kids to the bus stop to get to their school miles away.

Though we are all in together rant we Dave !
Ah, more socialist nonsense I see. Asylum seeker housing, (which, incidentally, is controlled by the Home office and is separate to the general social housing provided by local councils) isn't going to be in any rural or even suburban areas with high property values so let's not get silly and talk about turning golf courses into refugee camps.
Rant was better. ;)
Maybe you should move, Fusion!
Just to summarise this woman's journey, from the article itself ...

* Syria
* Lebanon
* Turkey
* Greece
* Smuggled "across Europe" through countries unknown to ...
* Netherlands
* "Fled" through countries unknown to ...
* Calais, France
* Smuggled in a refrigerated lorry into the UK
* Now lives in housing for asylum-seekers in Coventry, speaks to her other sons every day using the mobile app Viber, and lives in hope her asylum case will be "solved" so she can request her sons' relocation to Britain.

I think it's clear why many UK taxpayers would have a problem with this, even if you take as gospel truth the stories of why she left Syria and all the rapes and beatings en route ...
Well, I ain't one of em.
Why should I move, what a stupid remark to make.
Socialist rubbish? Who are these quangocrats that leave their Surrey mansions, their Cotswold cottages, spread a map on the table and decide which working class estate they will enrich with Roma gypsies etc. today.
It's just economics Svejk, not some capitalist conspiracy. Take your head out of that red bucket and see the facts, not the hype.
It's not're clearly not happy. Move to the catchment area of your preferred school and one that doesn't have African supermarkets.

That is exactly what it is, a conspiracy. I can assure you that not many, grown up, working class people asked for, wanted or arranged this flood of immigrants. Yet they are the ones who suffer the consequences. And the guilty parties sit smugly, immigrant free, basking in the warm glow of righteousness.
You talk about immigration like it's a new invention!
The mass immigration of the last 15 years is, ummmm.
Didn't you read about it in the Irish papers?

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