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Isn't It Time That More Listened To Nigel Farage?

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anotheoldgit | 14:14 Wed 29th Apr 2015 | News
131 Answers

Is he just being scaremongering or racist, when he predict that Islamic extremists could cross the Mediterranean and gain access to the UK?

What better way could they 'invade' Europe, and if they did wouldl we see the return of another 'Battle of Britain'?



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Its always easy to see when someone is losing an argument...they resort to personal happens every time !
Look at yourself in the mirror, Svejk, at times you are a boor and pathetic.

That's me out of here tonight - I suspect that you are well under the influence of.
I'm off to bed as well....nighty night everybody !
DTC - most of the pupils I taught were Sunnis. They were very distressed when a Shia sect established a local mosque. In the early days we could all agree that the main thing was that everyone believed in God - they were quite prepared to accept that God was just another named for Allah - although there were obvious differences in concept. This has changed. Most of the UK cannot accept, or even understand, this basic difference and I remain highly concerned for the future of the country.
Thank flip for that.
The teaching of the trinity of the three religions is indeed something that ought to be core to comparative religious studies - and ethics - in our schools etc, jourdain. I am in agreement with you there.
Are you passing off the post @ 21:05 Wed as your own words DTC?
Jeez, what have people been drinking tonight? I don't think I've ever seen so much aggression in the answers to this post.
Thank you for the explanation svejk. :)
Yeah, sorry jourdain. x (some people get to me)
Except in your case.When you are generally losing an argument you say nite nite at 1855 and then pop back again at 2132 and 2133 to say nite nite again!!
Wouldn't care to return to your OP regarding the tragic death of a 7yr old boy killed in a sking accident YOU posted.A lot of ABers were waiting with bated breath for your return to explain yourself when the true facts of the tragedy later emerged. Of course by then you planted foot in mouth and took an early retirement. When the going gets tough mickey mouse takes a powder.
DTC, //Would love to have paralleled these AB views with the situation in (Greater) Ireland when the problems were at their peak....//

Even a good googler such as yourself would find it difficult to find a true comparison. If you are really as knowledgeable as you claim to be you will know that such a parallel simply does not exist.

Mikey, //Its always easy to see when someone is losing an argument...they resort to personal happens every time !//

Your exit at 18:58 when you accused vetuste_ennemi of ranting confirms that.

yes ni
I wondered as I dragged thro this lot the very same thing

how different to the Irish mainland bombing campaign
when pleas to send them all home to the Repulic were surprisingly muted

Oh, and did I reassure everyone that the south coast of England does NOT form any part of the shores of the mediterranean ? Phew !
Shsh. Mustn't awaken the boy.He has trouble sleeping and has already attempted slumber twice but arisen like a Phoenix from the ashes. Perhaps he is back in bed stroking his beloved Willy by now.Apparently the name of his dog. I believe? :-)
// Can't remember anybody blaming Roman Catholicism for the IRA/PROVO bombings.
DTC/Ichkeria: you guys got a different memory from mine?//

yes very different

Cardinal Cahal Daly continuously failed to condemn terrorism and was evern overheard unwisely referring to the Boys in the North affirmatively

and so there was a pervading sense that English RCs were disloyal -
it was a pain in the a-r-s-e I can tell you
Lol .. Dtc has copied most of that great long post of his from here .
I wish people would name their sources and not pass it off as all their own work.
Just sayin':)

// 4. Sudan, (North) mainly Sunni Islam of the Maliki school of jurisprudence, deeply influenced with Sufism, making Sudan one of the most tolerant Muslim majority countries in the world //

That's be the place they imprisoned the teacher for allowing the children to call a teddy bear muhammed. I wouldn't fancy a trip to any of the less tolerant places.
Don't blame dtc, Ludwig, blame the author. ;o)
I'm not saying it's wrong Svejk. I'm sure the quote (whoever it originated from) is pretty accurate.

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