We hear harrowing stories regarding how cheap life is in many parts of the world, and yet in the UK we see situations such as this were hundreds will turn out for the funeral of an unknown child.
Don't let anyone change the UK, we are most fortunate to live in such a caring country.
It makes my heart break that there is a mother somewhere who has been unable to deal with the death of her child, and was probably not there to see him buried, and to grieve over him as she needed to.
But as you know AOG, I am never 'proud' to be British, I am grateful for it, but not proud of it.
Call me a cynical old goat but might it be more to do with the the desire to actually be seen taking part in mass mourning that seems to be all the rage these days.
I am proud to be British (although not as much as I used to be ) but not because of this. I'm not sure that it's indicative of caring, I think mass mourning by strangers does include a lot of bandwaggoners.