Ids - I Saved 2M From The Dole. The Truth.
Having tasted unemployment in the last 2 years, this is one example of how IDS "saved" 2m from the dole. The job centre will direct you to an employment agency. I suspect they get a recruitment fee from the govt. The agency tell you they have lots of clients with work in warehousing, packing, clerical, driving etc. You sign with the agency and they become your employer. But, surprise surprise, they only have enough work for 2 or 3 days per week, sometimes not even that. So your employer cannot guarantee a full weeks work from one week to the next. Just try getting help with benefits to top up your earnings, which some weeks will be zero, and see how difficult that is. On occasions, you go to the company for your detailed work, and when you get there they will ask who sent you, as you're not needed, resulting in lost travelling expenses with no earnings, but you're still in "employment". People just get messed about, but the unemployment figures go down. Result for the government at your cost. T0$$ers.