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Charles Kennedy Has Died

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campbellking | 06:05 Tue 02nd Jun 2015 | News
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Just announced on the t.v., he was only 55 years old. RIP.


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my personal dealings with the man were always a pleasure ..a gentleman in the true sense...please do not attack him when you did not know him..his public persona was very different to the real man ..we all ALL have habits we would not want to become open to public some respect at this very sad time...
09:35 Tue 02nd Jun 2015
I did not attack the man. I said his lifestyle may have contributed to his death at an early age.
He was a good debater & had a fine sense of humour, seemed a decent chap to me.

RIP Charles.

Plus the fact that you also compared it to the demise of his political party, totally uncalled for.

Did you remove your own offensive post or did one of your fellow moderators?
It's not what you said, it's how you said it -- if such a thing means anything in a text-based forum.
He always did seem to be one of the old school of politics. I generally didnt agree with him but he was certainly good at getting his point over.

I'm sure we will soon know for sure but it does rather look as if his lifestyle has contributed to this, such a young age these days.

I wonder how bad the SNP bloke that beat him feels !
A lovely man. OH met him on a flight and had a good chat to him then. He always spoke highly of him and his sense of humour. RIP Charles.
I suspect the SNP guy who beT him fairly in the General Election will not feel any guilt.

The same cannot be said of Clegg and the rest of his Party who stabbed Kennedy in the back.
I only met him once but a really nice and easily approachable gentleman,with good sense of right and wrong,will be sadly missed. RIP.
I missed Gromit's post as well but it must have been in bad taste to be removed.
Very sad news. RIP.
It wasn't in bad taste IMHO, just an honest assessment of the facts.
Very sad. Condolences to his family and friends.
They just showed his, very prescient, speech against the Iraq War. If only they'd listened to him.
Very sad, R.I.P. Charles.
It must be sad too for Murraymints who knew him personally,
Deepest sympathy to his family and friends.
Gromit, why should the person who beat him in the General Election (Ian Blackford) feel any guilt? Guilt for what? For winning the seat? That's politics, and for all I know they may have been best friends outside the political ring.

My answer was in reply to this...
// I wonder how bad the SNP bloke that beat him feels ! //

Mikey, my post was in no way disrespectful to Charles Kennedy. I merely observed he was a heavy drinker and smoker, so his early death might have been anticipated.
Irrespective of your politics this is sad news. RIP. 55 is waaaayyy too young.
Gromit...well, on that I will agree with you. He has looked very gaunt of late.
I am wondering if the strain of losing his seat added to his health problems ?
-- answer removed --
blimey - and soo young which of course means - younger than myself

[ and yes of course Gromit is correct - a struggle with alcohol doesmt make you live longer - ever, having just buried a neighbour clutching his last bottle of vodka - metaphorically of course ]

I wonder if the outpouring of grief is associated with - name four scotsmen and the average person will say: Kennedy, Sturgeon Salmond and Macbeth, and you know the most personable is - Kennedy by a mile

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