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Another Muslim Family Shocked...

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Svejk | 08:24 Mon 15th Jun 2015 | News
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Just dusting off the Peace In Our Time script for you to use in your defence of the indefensible, Andy. Your loose use of 'hate' and 'hatred' as by so many today suggests a lazy shorthand approach to those daring to disagree with your rosy view of the world. Disgust, disdain, disbelief at the attitude of appeasement toward the unspeakable maybe. But not hatred...
09:10 Mon 15th Jun 2015
divebuddy - //Andy, You really are out of this world aren't you. Unnatural deaths may well be tragic but they are certainly not always futile. Lifeboats, for instance risk their own lives to try and save strangers. Sometimes they die themselves (e.g. the Penlee disaster). Nobody in their right mind would call their efforts futile- even when a rescue attempt ends in tragedy. //

A matter of semantics I feel.

I would not call the efforts you describe as futile, clearly they are not, but if a lifeboatman died and the victim was not saved, then his death would have been futile - wouldn't it?
I am going for a holiday in September to a Muslim country - Albania. I do not expect to be "radicalised" whilst there. If my memory serves me correctly the country is 70% Muslim, 20% Orthodox and 10% Christian. They live together peacefully and I have visited a mosque and various churches.
Billy Connolly - "Every time there is a bang, the world is a W**nker short!!"
Rebel teens but in our day we werent enticed with 4x4 vehicles.
Magg, you have said it all, they are not all alike, but there's a lot of them.
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Another Muslim Family Shocked...

Really? Where does it say his family are Muslim?
Pretty lame attempt there jno. No quetions to or quotes from RC priests, Church of Scotland ministers, Jedi adherents or Scientologists.
Gawd give me strength.
divebuddy - //It wasn't futile for hundreds of thousands of Russian soldiers to die fighting the Germans. Surely even you can see that.//

Yes I can see that - because the fight was won - so obviously no futility there - what is your point?
"Really? Where does it say his family are Muslim? "

please move to joke section !!!....*Titterfarkle*
Titterfarkle....what a sweet
// It wasn't futile for hundreds of thousands of Russian soldiers to die fighting the Germans.//

hundred and thousands ? I think it was more like 29 million ( deaths during the Great Patriotic War )

The German Army killed the Russian Army ( about a million men ) ten times over and then finally the Russian army sort of won
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And I post it again!!
"It is easy to sit here in safe non-violent England and gloat about the death of a misguided young man" .....

He sat in the same safe country as us.... but chose a different way to live his life.
"It is easy to sit here in safe non-violent England and gloat about the death of a misguided young man" .....

He sat in the same safe country as us.... but chose a different way to live his life.
Sorry, can't find my glasses.

his family talk about their faith in this link

///“As a family, we would like to take this opportunity to unequivocally state that ISIS are not Islam. They do not represent – in any way, shape or form – Islam and Muslims and we are no longer prepared to allow a barbaric group like Isis to hijack our faith.”///
If our treacherous governments over the past decades had not let them flood in we wouldn't be having all this worry and trouble now.

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