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Why Tesco should be blamed/ is blameless?

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samz90 | 15:04 Thu 15th Sep 2005 | News
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Why Tesco should be blamed/ is blameless?


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Wow - two degrees in bio chemistry and:

  • You ask a nonsensical question
  • You think we are becoming a monoeconomy when you also imply that 75% of groceries are not purchased from Tescos
  • You don't seem to understand the difference between "your" and "you're"


And who said that educational standards are dropping?

-- answer removed --
Sorry jan bug just realised who you were referring to.Hope one is not too offended - me at my best:-)
I don't blame Tesco.  I blame the youth of today.  And the farmers.  And the motorists who whinge about speed cameras and say that the police should "catch real criminals".  And the European Union.  And the kneejerk racists.  I'm not sure what the question was though.
I agree. It is/is not their fault entirely.
or not but then again maybe....
samz90 is quite correct.
Tesco is to blame.
They do a lovely Blossom Hill wine at a reasonable price.
They deliver to my door for a reasonable price.
I drink too much red wine.

Who is to blame

Tesco of course.

Cheers to you all
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Yes Oneeyedvic two degrees in Biochemistry NOT

Bio chemistry! Its one word!

P.S I have two degrees in Biochemistry not English language!!

My friend is a maths teacher but still uses his fingers to count!

ok I blame Tesco for giving me goods at great prices milk at 35p a pint cheeper than the milkman

tesco might tell a company it wants to sell kettles at a fiver but it can only sell them at that, if a company finds a way of making them at less than that and not at a loss


its not like you can pile kettels up like sugar ? and sell at a loss is it ?

Buddy - bloomin glad I read your apology post as I'd jumped on my high horse straight away.  It very much feels that you don't even like me when I agree with you.  Hopefully this will be an initial phase, and you will stop disliking me soon. 

I was being pedantic for a reason - I didn't know if the post was addressed directly to me or as a general comment.  I wanted to be sure. 

Do I presume one of these degrees is a masters samz90?  Otherwise it seems a little pointless to do two.  If it helps, my masters is in Law and Economics, so I've studied economics to a high level.  Not understanding economics does not make a person thick, it simply means they haven't studied economics.  Please could you provide a link or a sourced quote explaining mono-economy as compared with monopoly, and also could you tell me why and how Tesco is a mono-economy.  I'm interested to know.  Thanks. 

PS - If you're going to be pedantic about Oneeyedvic's grammar, you may be interested to know that "its" is a word indicating possession, but "it's" is the word you were looking for.  The apostrophe indicates the contraction of the words "it" and "is".  I'm sure you knew that, but as you're so keen to make sure all words are properly and accurately used in this thread, in the spirit of that tone, I thought it only fair to clarify that. 
Welcome back - Jan Bug.Your answer was tagged onto mine - I dont understand how that happens.I then realised it wasnt me you were berating (you're good at it BTW).Sorry -course I like you - you liven things up and I only respond in the same ilk.

Maybe there was a cross-posting type problem.  Also, would like to sort the clique business out, but posted in another thread about that, as it's not relevant here.  I genuinely did really agree with what you've posted on this Tesco thread... and still do. 

I'm also still looking forward to a decent answer on the 'other side' of the debate.  :-)

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I am glad that my 'stupid' question has gained so much interest!

january_bug: I cannot find a link on mono economy (can't be bothered). Anyway we are all different. You have a Economics degree, I have Biochemistry degrees. Period.

If I asked you Which of these is a transferase enzyme?

Cytochrome oxidase
Glutamate-pyruvate transaminase
All of these

Would you know the answer?


Whats biochemistry got to do with economics....just because you have two degrees in that field doesn't mean that you'd know toffee about economics :)

I don't think that janbug was insulting your inteligence just pointing out a possible error (as that sounds like their particular area of knowledge).

Its not tescos fault. They sell because we buy.

I burnt my roast lamb today - i blame tesco

I've got a degree in blah didi blah blah blah. So what?

Firstly, January you will know that - at 25 per cent market share - tesco's is approaching a Monopoly position.

Secondly, It is true that large supermarkets offer convenience and low prices. Choice is another matter. Supermarkets are the epitome of the trend towards large, out of town, homogenous retailing. Less choice not more.

Supermarkets are really big in order to limit competition. They do this by driving down costs. Their massive scale allows them to source in bulk from the cheapest suppliers around the world. Cheapest often means worst conditions for workers (or chickens, or pigs). It also means that many goods which could be sourced  locally travel thousands of miles at great cost to the environment

Furthermore, they locate their stores out of town which means people have to drive to them (more petrol). This also makes it hard for the elderly and poor people to get to them, and stops us all from stretching our legs.

One of the reason that pubs have taken over our town centres is because of Tescos and the like moving retailing out of town.


Tesco is indeed approaching monopoly position, precisely why I suggested that the word samz90 was meaning was monopoly.  I actually hadn't realised their share was that big.  In theory supermarkets represent a near perfect competition scenario, but I suppose now, in practice, they don't. 

As for the "Who wants to be a millionaire" question....

The answer is B.  GPT levels are tested to check for liver damage. The enyzyme is also known as Alanine transaminase.  This is the only enzyme you listed that appears in the transferases category of enzymes. 

Now for my questions....

What's your point?

Are you only showing off about your biochem degrees because you can't come up with a decent arguement about Tesco?

Can only speak from experience but all the tescos I've been to are sited either smack bang in the centre of residential areas or in the middle of town.

This stinks of the playground, it was a reasonable question to inspire a debate. I fear most threads on news will descend into an audience for members academic background to put weight behind arguments that neither side will listen to. Shame really as news is normally an interesting topic, feel free to pick out any spelling mistakes or gramatical errors. Here's one just in csae ;-)

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