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Will You Still Tar Them With The Same Brush?

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Broseph | 08:07 Mon 29th Jun 2015 | News
138 Answers

A sad story and my heart to all those who lost life,were injured or had to see this but the brave Tunisians clearly weren't in cahoots with the terrorist with many risking their life to try and stop him but as you can see it fell on deaf ears.
This is typical regarding groups as isis and other terrorist groups and many of the worlds muslims to my knowledge.

Many don't want their brand of murder,brutality and violent terrorism but the terrorists only hear the demons in their heads commanding them to kill innocent people.

Just a little food for thought.

Have a :) day.


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/That pretty much sums up the OP I am afraid, especially when he seems so grateful for comments such as "Islam is filth" (!)
If that isn't feeding and watering the beast I don't know what is/

Yes.....and if I click my ruby slippers 3 times and say "there's no place like home" I suddenly wake up in a black and white kansas......Actually I was highlighting that sticking to the op is the order of the day and the right way to go about acting in a thread. Sometimes I wonder are people new to the internet?

Now one more time, good night all have a peaceful,argument free and positive night :)
Broseph...thanks at 22:13 ! It pays to have a thick skin, especially when you see the quality of the debate from the usual suspects...nothing but innuendo and spite. True Troll behaviour, if ever you needed an example.

Just ignore them, as this annoys them like nothing else can !
Mikey, you turn this place into a schoolyard with your childish nonsense. Grow up.
Naomi...I doubt very much if you would put up with with the Trollism that I get on here, so I need no lectures from you. I paid you a compliment yesterday, but no reaction from you on that I see !
// Mikey, you turn this place into a schoolyard with your childish nonsense. Grow up.//

the usual mature rules of debate holding fast here I see.

hair pulling, spitting and scratching all allowed and even encouraged
Well said PP !
Although I disagree with a lot of opinions Broseph has, he does make some pertinent points on the hierarchy of this website. It seems if anyone has a philosophy that strays from the coterie, or strong opinions and not afraid to stick to their point,they are either a Troll or a returning user. I'm surprised the usual suspects have not decided who Broseph is yet. It's rather quaint really -the misconception that anyone who can navigate with ease on a gentile little Forum like this must be a returning user.
Wow.....where's an irony klaxon when you need one?

Back to the Op with apologies to Broseph. I don't think the majority of people will suddenly hate all Muslims because of what happens. However, self preservation is human nature and its difficult not to feel uncomfortable in certain situations. I was in a public place Sunday in a queue with three Asian men carrying back packs. I'm totally ashamed to say I was very very uncomfortable in that situation and I'm sure many people will feel the same, so this will filter down and do no favours for the thousands of normal Muslim people who just want to go about their business and practice their Faith how it should be practiced.
jth Troll.
Retrochic...I can see no evidence that Broseph is a Troll. He makes good debating points and doesn't have to resort to silly, childish comments. There are lots of people one here that I don't agree with but I am still able to appreciate the points that they make, because they are made in a cogent and adult fashion.

Take New Judge for instance...hardly a left-winger but always makes for interesting reading. We don't agree very often but I never miss his posts.

The true Trolls are the ones that just name-call. They are like little boys in the playground, that run up to you, stick their tongues out and then run away again. Its Yah-boo tactics.

But all are welcome on here, even the Trolls, as they don't step over the line and become personally insulting.
JTH a troll?
No, not troll, retro.
Just exceedingly amused by your post....
//Mikey, you turn this place into a schoolyard with your childish nonsense. Grow up.//

Debating at its highest level.
Keep it coming :-)
Retrochic: It seems if anyone has a philosophy that strays from the coterie, or strong opinions and not afraid to stick to their point,they are either a Troll or a returning user.

jth Troll.
Well it is childish to keep calling people who have been posting here for many years 'trolls' and put them on a 'ignore list'
//Debating at its highest level. //

Not quite - and not intended to be - but yet another thread derailed by puerile claptrap.
mikey I don't think he is a Troll either. A least he makes an intelligent, if sometimes misguided point. I'd much rather have an intelligent discourse with someone I disagree with than have to endure these infantile and asinine remarks from bored Users.

Ummmm, I very much doubt anyone is bothered by it!
cazz -point taken -i missed out 'newbie' - I meant any newbie. My definition of a Troll is one that surfs around a Forum looking for trouble adding nothing On Topic to a debate

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