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Ban Smoking In Pub Gardens ?

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youngmafbog | 11:35 Thu 13th Aug 2015 | News
91 Answers
Seems like a reasonable thing to me. Smokers dont care about who they upset so something needs to be done if they wont act reasonably.


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It used to be a pleasure to sit in a ice Pub garden in the summer and have, most of them stink of cigarette smoke and old ash-trays.

Yes, ban the practise ASAP !
Booldawg...nobody forced the Pubs to build "smoking shelters !

Smokers now account for only 21% of adults here in Wales and I expect the figure to be broadly the same everywhere else in Britain. The smokers have lost the argument and are now on the run. Tough.
^ I was wondering where Oliver was.
> The Royal Society for Public Health wants ‘exclusion zones’ around pubs, in parks and at the entrances to schools

I agree with (public) parks and the entrances to (state) schools.

When it comes to pubs, my personal sympathies are as New Judge's, but I think it ought to be left to the landlord/brewery to decide whether and how their garden is partitioned. It's their business, after all. I would sooner ban smoking in the (public) street than tell a private landlord how to go about their business.
The more I read on here the less sympathy I have for non smokers... self appointed dudly do-rights. You have the inside of establishments and like school bullies now want to shift us off the outside as well... selfish.
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\\\\You have the inside of establishments and like school bullies now want to shift us off the outside as well... selfish.\\\\ you need to get used to it as, in my opinion, there is a movement to ban smoking in ALL public places.

If you feel the need to smoke, then do it in your own home.

I am not saying that is is reasonable, i am just saying what the destination is for the smoker.
If you feel the need to smoke, then do it in your own home.

Are you telling me what to do?
I think the main issue re pubs is probably the change of attitude. No longer does the working man stop there supping with his mates all evening which means less trade to split between the pubs that remain. Also the justification that pub going was a social activity proved insufficient when the supermarkets were allowed to sell what used to be the exclusive domain of pubs/clubs and off-licences. Cheap booze, bring it home and drink in solitude or with the family. Doesn't help the pubs. Put that with legislation about pubs, the desire to split pub ownership and brewers, not done well. Smoking bans are a minimal affect likely to create as much customer if marketed right with the right products/services then it is to drive folk off.

As for non-smokers being self righteous and so forth, what a weak put-down by those criticizing them, who want to continue to make a place unpleasant for their fellows, simply because one should have freedom to do what one wants and have no responsibilities to others.
I think someone is pointing out what you should elect to do.
It would be nice to have a local pub with or without a smoking zone,unfortuntely all the local ones have closed down and the nearest one is now five miles away and rapidly degenerating into a restaurant,
Well said Sqad !

All this is just the last death throws of a minority habit. It wasn't that long ago, that the paid apologists for the smoking industry, FOREST, were appearing on Newsnight, Panorama, etc and telling us that there is no provable case for the health effects of smoking. They had to give that argument up, as it was completely untenable. Now they have resorted to the so-called "freedom to smoke"

( FOREST, which calls itself the voice and friend of the smoker !....with friends like FOREST, smokers don't need any enemies ! )

Smokers...give up the have nothing to lose but your chains !

\\\\Are you telling me what to do?\\\

No! No! no! just suggesting the future for the smoker.......just my opinion.
The Pub as the heart of the community is largely gone anyway , a few remain I imagine.

I know Sqad only messin'. I just needed a cig.
arksided, you had several hundred years to put your own house in order.
Indeed. :-)
About the only people I see smoking in my local park are 16 and 17 year olds. So much for the thought that smoking is on the wane.
I can't recall the last time I was bothered by a smoker in a pub garden.

One or two of the pubs I visit have separate areas in the garden for smokers and non-smokers.
The simple answer to fag ends and ash blowing about is 6" terracotta plant pot upturned in an 8" terracotta saucer. This works very well until the non smokers stuff it with crisp bags. Plus the smoking debate keeps the single issue zealots focused and gives other minority groups a rest. Have you noticed the reaction of the arm waving offended to e vape users, they are incandescent with rage, having their self righteous smug self satisfied noses put out of joint. I have been both a smoker and also a non smoker for 12 years. I now enjoy a cigar or a ciggie with the heinous smokers outside at my local. You know what. I find them on the whole more affable and agreeable company than the non smoking iPhone anxious inside sippers.

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