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Radicalised 16 Year Old Put Into Care.

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anotheoldgit | 09:13 Sat 22nd Aug 2015 | News
18 Answers

All this taking place under the guise of 'those peace loving Muslims' we hear so much about.

Or are they only 'peace loving Muslims' until they are found out to be 'extreme Muslims'?

I'm confused.



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The R.O.P. must be very proud.
'All this taking place under the guise of 'those peace loving Muslims' we hear so much about.'

Is it? She was 'groomed' by her parents. Where's the 'peace loving' in that?
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/// Is it? She was 'groomed' by her parents. Where's the 'peace loving' in that? ///

I was not saying that her parents were peace loving.
I saw the headline and was convinced the story would be this ...
So how is it 'taking place under the guise'? Where's the 'guise'?
Mr Justice Hayden is a busy man. He has only just ruled that a Bethnal Green schoolgirl's passport and her sister's be removed.

In this case the judge stopped short of saying that this 16yo may one day be sitting as a judge herself one day.
Exactly. A sharia Law judge !!!
Why are her parents "on police bail"? They should be in custody now and any other parent who promotes IS in the UK.
Often the schoolgirls are described as being intelligent, intellectual etc etc which must mean that being radicalised takes some doing.

How is it that less intelligent youngsters do not succumb to this process??
It is almost like a plea for leniency. Mitigation if you like. These people will grow to be useful members of society when they mature blah blah.
Question is which society are they referring to. Surely not a civilised one.
Quite so retrocop.

In any of the cases I haven't seen word of deradicalisation programmes!
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No that is satire, this is real.
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/// In this case the judge stopped short of saying that this 16yo may one day be sitting as a judge herself one day. ///

Although to be fair the Mail did step in to point out that this week the girl had achieved a string of As and A*s at GCSE.

Just imagine what she would have got if there had been a GCSE in terrorism?


Yes, the Mail did indeed say that which brings me back to my point about how intellectual the likes of her are. Unlike Malala mind she wont be getting a Nobel Prize any time soon.

GCSE in terrorism? Hmm, yes, need a radically new grade though?
"No that is satire, this is real"

Well obviously - one of these two people is being indoctrinated into a way of life that has already ravaged whole continents for their own benefit, destroyed the world's banking system and enslaved millions of innocent men and women - the other is a potentially radical muslim.
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I cannot understand why the parents have not been charged with child abuse.

In my view they are very responsible for their daughters behaviour. How could you do that to your child? They , the parents must be well aware of the fate fate which befalls a female travelling to Syria.
Sorry there is only one fate.

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Radicalised 16 Year Old Put Into Care.

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