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ToraToraTora | 08:17 Wed 02nd Sep 2015 | News
204 Answers
Why has the Gay community turned into bullies?
Ironically they have been delivered from this sort of thing themselves, now they make a "sport" of picking on people that don't embrace their lifestyle as enthusiastically as they think they should. It's going to take time for all the officials to come to terms with new rules etc, why go around trying to find people to bully?


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Bullies. Imagine going about the place deliberately making people's lives a misery, just because the law is on your side. Why would anyone want to force a clergyman/official to, grudgingly, marry you? Doesn't sound like a very joyous occasion to me.
08:57 Wed 02nd Sep 2015
TTT...this woman has exhausted all her legal ways of getting out of the mess she has put herself in. She is the position she is in entirely due to her own fault. She is a public official and if she feels that she is unable to perform her duties as designated by her job description, then she should find another job.
Ah, but who is other higher authority ? Man or God ?
God wants her to remain in position refusing to allow wrongdoing.
I don't understand where bullying comes into it.
I agree with mikey

Imagine she was a racist and had decided she didn't want to issue a licence to a mixed race couple. If people objected to that would that be bullying?
She has a job and knows what the duties are that go with it. If she doesn't like them it's time she left it.
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If she is not prepared to do her job she should move/be moved aside to make room for someone who will do it!
Sandy is right here. I am getting a bit fed up with these self-appointed upholders of "God's law". If they are hearing voices, perhaps they should see a Doctor.

Apparently, she can't be sacked because she is an elected official ::

"Ms Davis, who cannot be removed from post because she is an elected official, stayed inside her office with the blinds closed as the couples demanded to see her"
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yes but, why don't they just find an official that will do it? Because bullying is the aim, It's like the metric martyr all over again. Why the need to seek out someone who clearly is unhappy with the new rules and then force them to carry out a "marriage" just to be spiteful. In time the new rules will be accepted. I think the Gay community now specifically seek out targets to bully in this fashion.
I don't see anything in your link, TTT, or Mikey's, where it says gay people were bullying the woman or turning anything into a sport. They were just demanding that she does her job.
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did you watch the video jo?
She claims to be a Christian. Mark 12:17 comes to mind. Render unto Caesar... She's paid to do a job, she should do it.
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you all seem to be deliberately missing the point. Yes they are bigots yes I agree that isms are being displayed. Imagine a pub where one barman doesn't like serving Lager, would you seek out that barman and try and force him to serve you lager or just ask another barman without that irrational trait? All I'm saying is that it is unnecessary. It's like the gay community seek out these attention seeking opportunities, reference the guest house the other month etc
Ironically they have been delivered from this sort of thing themselves, now they make a "sport" of picking on people that don't embrace their lifestyle as enthusiastically as they think they should.

I don't think they are wanting her to 'embrace their lifestyle' I think they want her to issue them with the licence, I'm sure she could scowl all she wants whilst handing it over.
Bullies. Imagine going about the place deliberately making people's lives a misery, just because the law is on your side.
Why would anyone want to force a clergyman/official to, grudgingly, marry you? Doesn't sound like a very joyous occasion to me.
This is an elected post, only the person elected by the voters can do the job.
This is not a situation that could arise in the UK. If she refuses to resign there is little anyone can do until the next election when another candidate could be elected.
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svejk, finally! someone has been able to grasp the point I was making.
You mean finally...someone who agrees with me.

What a predictable BA.
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not at all talbot, you can acknowledge a pint without agreeing with it.
The BA is for putting this succinct reasoning:
"Why would anyone want to force a clergyman/official to, grudgingly, marry you? Doesn't sound like a very joyous occasion to me. "

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