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A quick google shows that there are non white members, unless the photos have been painted which no doubn some on here will claim!
Some people cannot resist personal attacks Retro.
-- answer removed --
Hahaha..... cats fight fight fight. Too much beeping to get the gist.

The black woman was pushed by asian when she got out her phone....thats assault.

Not racist, it was their religion she was calling, not their race.
YMB, black woman was annoyed at asians speaking in their own tongue & laughing. Asians could have been insulting black lady or discussing how big the members were last night ;)
DAVE, she said (according to the report) 'don't *** like you people because you're *** rude. You come to England and you have no *** manners. Go back to your *** country where they are bombing every day, don't come here where we are free.'

She has not considered that the two women may have been born and bred in the UK and are already in their own country, that is racist.
I would say that was an assumption with a misunderstanding.
YMB - //I suspect what she said will strike a chord with many, maybe one reason she was not thrown off the bus. //

Are you seriously trying to dignify, or even defend such appalling behaviour?
tambourine - //Hahaha..... //

Do you think it's amusing?
Ah, true to form my response to retrocop has been removed. Could have put money on it. What odds on this one being removed too.?
maggiebee - //Ah, true to form my response to retrocop has been removed. Could have put money on it. What odds on this one being removed too.? //

If you appear to be trying to pick a fight with another AB'er, your post is likely to be removed in the interests of keeping the thread on message, and stopping tedious diversions into personal arguments.

It's something to think about.
Not me maggiebee.Reporting posters doesn't rock my boat. That would be hypocritical wouldn't it ? :-)
There does appear to be a wee bit of inconsistency in this particular thread if I may say so but then again, Mods are only human so I shouldn't really mump.
Racist? .....where are the white people?
If she was upset by their use of another language, her tutorial rather fell flat on its face in the lack of its linguistic elegance didn't it?
If someone was verbally abusing me on the bus, I would get off and wait for another one.
she made some valid points.
TTT - // I would dispute the validity of any of her points, given that they were delivered from the perspective of a violently racist bigot.

Anyone who chooses to address strangers in that way automatically forfeits the privilege of having their diatribe dissected in the off-chance that some of her garbage may appear on the surface to be factual.

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