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Nor can I.
I would not come out with a statement like that in a time of crisis I must be funny old sod eh?
My friend is in Bali and has just posted that all flights in and out have been cancelled.

He has the same attitude as B00. As far as he's concerned it's an extended holiday that he has no choice but to take.
TWR , of course there is a hint of levity in B00's post, am sure no harm was meant but obviously others don't see it that way.

We're all different I guess.
// He has the same attitude as B00. As far as he's concerned it's an extended holiday that he has no choice but to take. //

I had one of those when that volcano went off in Iceland. It was fantastic, but then I was stuck in a nice hotel with all expenses paid.
It's not so distressing if money is no object.

I'm a very nervous flyer....I'd be crapping myself.

//and that could have severed the cables to the recorders.//

Tell me I'm reading too much into that but was that mere serendipity (in the perpetrator's favour) or might it suggest intimate knowledge of the A321's innards? I might style myself an aviation enthusiast but I didn't know that.

I thought the cables were along all sides of the plane so that there is not a SPOF.

surely they work via telemetry and not wires?
//My friend is in Bali and has just posted that all flights in and out have been cancelled. //

Bali? Is something going on in Bali?
//I had one of those when that volcano went off in Iceland. It was fantastic, but then I was stuck in a nice hotel with all expenses paid. //

Similarly, I've been stuck for days on a hurricane hit Caribbean island, which was fine because there were no inbound flights either and therefore no newcomers arriving to book in at the hotel, so everyone just kept their rooms until flights resumed. I think the situation in Egypt is very different.

//The odd thing is that the body of the child was found 3 minutes fight time from the crash site.//

400 * (3/60) * 1.15 = 23 statute miles for 400knots cruise speed, not corrected for winds.

//But telemetry (from external monitoring)//

In your opinion, is there no possibility that damage to cabling and/or sensors could cause 'stuck' altitude readings etc to have been transmitted?

If I read correctly, the FDRs stayed with the tail section, so they can only attest to the tail's orientation and altitude profile, after separation.

// of the plane's behaviour does not show the plane acting irratically or slowing or decending until it was at the crash location. //

I have watched Flightradar24 tracks doing some very odd things, rather as if it was a blend of a scripted movement ("the scheduled flight from Birmingham to Malaga should be at lat:long X:Y at time aa:bb:cc") with sporadic corrections based on realworld transponder data. So I hope you are not basing that statement *entirely* on FR24's recorded track?

//That would suggest the plane remained intact for a couple of minutes after the initial event until the tail snapped off and all control was lost, and the plane dropped like a stone. //

Oxygen packs discharged or not, I wonder? I'll check pprune.

This piece mentions the £15 security-check queue bypass racket, being run at Sharm's airport. Also a Putin-Cameron spat about intelligence not shared in time to save lives.


This post

questions whether "search area so far" got morphed into "33km", thence 20 miles, which might obviate that strange 3 minute gap.

In passing, I see the experts there commenting that the rudder and horizontal stabiliser parts have not been accounted for. We haven't had every possible camera angle on the tail but they're not in plain sight. Cameramen can't be expected to know what to point at (ie what might be of interest to armchair analysts) and I'm reminded of past footage which showed practically everything of interest... except the registration number.


See this PPrUNE post.

It now looks like there is ambiguity as far as the toddler being 21 miles from the crash. Though it was not at the main crash site.
Thanks, Gromit. I read page one, FFWDed to last page, then back by one page but haven't delved into the depths of the thread. I'll catch up in a day or so.

It's a dramatic set of data (a selection, the poster said) but, as I've mentioned, the plane icons often do wierd things due to data lag or some technical glitch in the phone app. If that was extracted from FR24's central archive then I'll accept it as not being subject to any such glitches. Although, having said that, I don't know how reliable the transponder datastream really is or whether accident investigators hold much store by it. The comparison of fidelity with the FDR data, when the report is published, will be interesting.

Footnote: The rear door with the small holes in it was in no way scorched. There is a lot of noise in the rumours and early press reports. I have a tendency to tune out a lot of it and restrict myself for looking for things I can't explain, like the intact wings, for example, or inconsistencies between stories and available evidence and so on.

This whole business is rapidly turning into a complete omnishamble !

I have just heard on the Beeb that Russia has now suspended all flights to and from Sharm !
Hopefully the companies will compensate OOPocket exes
^^ insurance companies
I don't understand why holiday makers are complaining about getting home.

I would prefer to be stranded for a few days, even a week if I thought it was the safest decision by our Government.
Whats a few days of discomfort, when your family's lives could be in danger?

I think there is more to this disruption, than we are being told!

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