AOG - //ndy-hughes
Yes you have made your feelings clear on what you think about Tony Blair, but what about making a comment on this, is he correct or is he wrong, if the latter then why?
"it is not just a minority who 'believe in an innate hostility between Islam and the west' and that support for ISIS stretches 'deep into parts of parts of Muslim societies".//
He is wrong because he Believes he knows about the intricacies of a society of which he has no direct experience.
But then, he has no direct experience of WMD’s, and he believed want he was told there, and spouted it in public, and look at the result.
I am quite willing to believe that support for ISIS is found in a minority of Muslim society, like support for the war in Iraq found support in a minority of British society – but because I, or Mr Blair, may believe something, that does not make it valid.
The difference is, he gets paid five figure fees to offer his unproven and baseless nonsense to gullible foreigners.
The man has not shame, or dignity.