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Escapes A Driving Ban Because He Didn't Understand His Speedometer, What's That All About?

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anotheoldgit | 13:28 Sat 05th Dec 2015 | News
101 Answers

Maybe next time his excuse could be, "I was driving on the wrong side of the road because I forgot we drive on the left in England"?



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Svejk're 100% wrong about Ali G.

It was a mickey take about white kids who think they're black. That was the whole point. I'm shocked you didn't clock that.

Just about everyone else did.

My post should have read 'I am not[i contemptuous...'

Re-read what I wrote, and you will see that the missing 'not' makes the sentence illogical.

Thanks Hypnosis - the words 'old' and 'pensioner' are not pejorative.

And you cannot say that a word was used in a pejorative way unless you can identify that they word used in a contemptuous way.

Seriously - you've got it wrong.

I know what you [i]mean], but you've used entirely the wrong word.

Hypnosis understands what I mean.

The 'g' in the middle of my username is essential to its meaning and I'd be grateful if you didn't keep omitting it (about 8 times, to date). Hypo, as in "under" and gnosis as in "knowledge". I am on Answerbank because "I don't know enough", under-knowledged, hence Hypognosis. :)

Pretentious? Moi?
Take it from a white person, the phrase, 'Is it cos I is black' is taking the *** out of 'chippy' black people.

One again - apologies. I cut 'n' paste your name (same with youngmafbog...but my autocorrect changes it.


Ali G was taking the rise out of white kids who think they're black.

That is the whole point of the joke.

Are you saying that to this didn't understand that?


Seriously fella...literally kids understood that one.
You tell me what white people mean when they're talking to each other, sp, and i'll do the same for black people.

Oh this is hilarious.

I honestly think you should give it a rest, because with every post on this thread, you're making yourself look bad.

Really, really bad.

You made a mistake. We all do.

But don't compound it.

I'm going to let you have the last word in this thread, in the happy knowledge that whatever you write won't be worth reading.

Have a happy Sunday.

..but avoid watching anything starring Sacha Baron Cohen, because...well, y'know.
Got a long way from a footballer speeding.
I agree baza !

Play nicely girls !
I think the OP was answered comprehensively several pages back, by New Judge. No, he didn't escape a ban because he didn't understand his speedometer.

The rest is just bantz.
Hypo, You have made the same mistake as SP, read what I wrote.
SP implied that old people and pensioners are more dangerous as drivers than a footballer who is too stupid to understand his speedo and drives irresponsibly fast. That is his pejorative view based on lack of information and poor reasoning. Prejudging people because they are old is no different to prejudging people because they are black, gay or of a particular gender.

Apology accepted, so long as a couple of extra keystrokes (in emphasising the g I somehow forgot the o) isn't too much trouble, in future?

I don't often agree with Svejk but that was one of the few Ali G jokes I became aware of (his series always clashed with a favourite on the BBC) and I took the meaning the same way as he did. If taking the mick out of white wannabes then it is a wannabe who has taken the impersonation to the level of imitating the chippyness but too dim to realise how disrespectful this is.

For humour to have the widest possible appeal, the joke has to be able to play in different ways to all elements of the audience. The Goon Show appealed to children but has a fair share of double entendres, to keep the adults amused.

If my understanding of the Ali G character seems shallow then that's because I get more enjoyment out of comedy shows by letting my analytical/critical side have a break.

I don't think Ali G was ever aiming at a wide audience, Hypognosis. Doubtless he'd have been delighted to get one; but it was always a niche offering aimed at people who'd get the joke. I got it but didn't think it was very funny... which probably means that, actually, I didn't get it.

If you mean 'prejudicial', then say 'prejudicial'. You said "pejorative", which gas a specific meaning that I am being pedantic about.

I didn't *misunderstand* what you wrote, I merely interpreted it literally.

You no doubt acknowledge that occasional incidences of senility do occur and sp1814 merely pointed that out, with links to back that up. The person who sees 3 examples as a slur on *all* senior citizens must therefore be you.

Presumably this is AOG's goal with his incessant "oh look, here's an ethnic minority person doing something bad" threads. We are supposed to react and put our own prejudices on display (to the world, in perpetuity)?

I look forward to his threads on (caucasian)!rogue traders, conning pensioners out of £X,000 of their life savings, just in the name of journalistic balance.

Hypo, I suggest you check the current meaning of the word pejorative and read what I wrote again in the light of that information.
sp clearly implied that old people and pensioners(?)are more dangerous as drivers than stupid footballers who don't understand how to read their speedo and drive at irresponsibly fast speeds.
In fact drivers over 70 years of age are far less likely to be involved in accidents than young men in the 20-24 age group.
All very fascinating, I'm sure.

"The words 'old' and 'pensioner' are not pejorative. " - quite correct SP, but singling out 1 section of the motoring public for sustained abused based only on the fact that they satisfy a prejudice is.
an interesting thread about a footballer getting off with speeding seems to have become a school girl semantics issue. I have read the whole thread and I must say that SP does seem very ageist.

Why schoolgirl and not schoolboy (semantics)? Not that girls are utterly immune from being nerdy but pedantry is obsessive, nerdy and boyish, don't you think?


Cheapo 60,000 word dictionary is all I have.
adj. depreciatory, disparaging.

He lists three accidents, patently a tiny minority, as we are so often reminded there are millions of people in that age group (although this may come as a shock to the TV execs who slap "foreground music" over documentaries where the sound of what you are watching - eg wildlife, air displays - is wanted as much as the spectacle) by other news features and merely stated that he preferred his survival chances with a speeding footballer.

An over elaborate comparison, maybe but, if he wanted to sleight old people he could probably do that with a lot fewer words. If there are any one-word slurs on the same level of severity as some racial epithets then I will undoubtedly get to learn those when I reach that age.

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