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Have We Lost Control?

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ToraToraTora | 16:39 Sun 13th Dec 2015 | News
44 Answers
Are there no go areas where muslim extremists police it to sharia? are going to see a lot more of this sort of thing? when will we rescue our country?


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/// Just a passing thought here.
Are Muslims allowed on nudist beaches? ///

Only the male Muslims.
We never see this or sir.prize’s videos on the BBC news, do we? Just the ‘hug a muslim and respect Islam’ ones.
Can Muslims swim?
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Do they wear bikinis then?
If the forces oof
Peeble - what caused you to leave AB last time?
DIVEBUDDY, which reports would they be then? Care to elaborate?

PEEBLE what amused you about the comment made by DIVEBUDDY?
Ignore my last post .
If the forces of law can't protect the people they must protect themselves. Powell's warning was 50 years early and directed at the wrong target but it is nearer than you think.
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No, we haven't 'lost' control - we've relinquished control.
DIVEBUDDY, I made no demands on you, I asked politely. I have no sway on AB, I am not a mod so I cannot say there will be consequences following anything you do or do not do, dire or otherwise.

You said there is much on Google about black folk not being able to swim well and yes, there are many hits. The thing is, the question was asked about Muslims and their ability to swim, not black folk and you spoke of recent reports, not about hits on Google.

There was me thinking you were making fun of the recent reports about Muslims drowning, such as one recently concerning a Muslim man who lost his wife and his seven wee ones.

Of course you weren't, you were talking about the alleged inability of black folk to swim well.

Do you think my head zips up the back?

He didn't 'lose them'. Murdered them would be more accurate. Certainly a tad careless with their lives
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Oh God. No.
The report of a couple of young brothers needlessly drowning and being washed up on a Turkish beach are well documented about three months ago .
That was the one where a Syrian refugee decided to leave the sanctuary of Turkey after 3 years working there with his young family.
Has there been a more recent needless tradgedy involving seven babies as well ? I despair.

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