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Retrochic - //Andy - I disagree. Many people have changed their attitudes, that is one reason why rural pubs are closing - people dare not take the risk of driving home after a few pints. //
I would argue that the lack of popularity in rural pubs is connected to fear of being caught drink-driving.
Drinking habits have changed out of all recognition in the space of two generations.
The generation who would drive out to a comfy country pub and have a drink and drive home is gone - replaced by people who drink cheap supermarket alcohol at home before adjourning to late-opening town pubs to drink to excess.
//Getting 'done' at 9am for having a few milligrams of alcohol in your blood from last nights dinner is not the same as getting behind the wheel of a car after consuming 10 pints - and surely can't be given the same penalties. //
In the sense of driving when you are aware of alcohol in your system - it is exactly the same.
Your argument supports the notion that we should have a limit, and then aim to drink as near to it as possible, without going over.
That bears no relation to the effect of alcohol on the individual based on endless factors - tolerance, tiredness, weight, gender, and yes, medication.
It's not difficult - if you cannot drive because you may have alcohol in your system, then you don't drive.