Bigbad, they found the money to come here, they've had a lot more from our Stupid Benefit system that they did not have in their own Country, if the shoe was on the other foot, I can not see that Country giving me a Plane Fair / help to learn their Language, Health Care to bring up their tribes! can you, I've said it before, why should we bend over backwards to please...
There might be lots of reasons why they have not learned English. One being no one perhaps ever bothered with them before
Another perhaps as Mikey says is the Cameron had withdrawn the funding :-)
Spending money few Bing people to speak our language is a good idea surely?
Eddie @0954
You were in saudi
(a) Did the Muslim women you were teaching speak English or do you speak fluent Arabic ?
(b) Were these women escorted by men when in the lab with you ?
(c) Did they travel in Western clothes to their place of learning?
I can't see a problem there.I see a problem where foreigners are invited here and are not expected to learn English as a priority before they avail themselves of the benefits on offer to them.
Hitherto they have been virtually encouraged not to learn English!!
You need to see a consultant. No worry the tax payer pays the translator fees. Likewise the many court cases that arise more frequently involving non English speaking accused.
Don't know how to claim for this that and everything else. No worries we will send you a specially printed application form with a hundred different translations.
Try to get this help in other Non European countries or France/Spain etc.
If I bought a retirement property in the mountains of Andalucia I think it would be prudent to learn the language tout de suite because unless I provide my own translator at my expense I am lost.
Not saying it's not a good idea just questioning the logistics of it, some if they can will grab the opportunity, some will want to but be prevented from doing so by their menfolk and a lot will never even know about it because of they way they live.
Retrocop, they all spoke perfect English. A laboratory is one of the few places where a Saudi Muslim female is permitted to work, no idea why.
They came to work in Veils but just removed them as soon as they arrived in work. They had the latest western fashion on underneath ,but they had to wear white Lab coats in work as we all did. I suppose they must have been driven to work by a man as women cannot drive in Saudi. There was no male accompanying them once they were in the lab.
One of them a lovely girl called Sabba told me I was the only 'non family' male and non muslim she had ever been allowed to speak to . ( I had a very strong suspicion that she 'fancied' me) Once the veils were off they were exactly like any other girl /woman.
A good idea would have been not allowing these people to flood in and invade us in the first usual, always a useless idea that will never be carried through, after the fact...
The wives and daughters of the rich in Saudi would be very different from peasant women taken from their homes in rural Pakistan or Bangladesh to come and live in an alien environment.
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