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Not A "swarm", Not A "bunch" But A......

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ToraToraTora | 16:48 Wed 27th Jan 2016 | News
48 Answers
Can someone tell us the correct noun for a group of migrants/asylum seekers?


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^^ there's talk just now...^^^
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The young passengers on the kinder transport could have been detrained once they were off German soil. They'd have been safe in France, wouldn't they?
//Not sure if there are still any gas chambers on the trek through Europe.//

Do you think that's an appropriate comment - especially today being International Holocaust Remembrance Day ?
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Pied Piper didn't make the ridiculous comparison to the Holocaust, eddie.
I can't think of anything more appropriate on National Holocaust Day

Btw it's conscientious objector day too
I find that a little ironic for some reason
Svejk Where did I make a comparison to the holocaust ?
PiedPiper - ok , i see .

Sorry eddie. It should have been addressed to Baz.

A Plague.

It was Sandyroe @ 1617 who introduced the idea of gas chambers
The correct noun is a "plague".

Spurious allegations; making up nonsense in an effort to score political points, put the accuser in a weak light. It makes any reasonable person feel their unable to think rationally and their argument possibly not worth listening to in the future.

If one has a beef with someone's argument then argue against the point they have made. Childish, clearly incorrect and irrelevant, accusations, that they ought not have used some perfectly correct phrase but you wish to pretend is awful, doesn't count.
Ah I see my half hour trying and failing to find the descriptive word I could not recall, ensures Baldric got in first. Congrats.
Swarm, Flock, Crowd, Stream, Surge, Flood, Seethe, Pack, Crush, no matter how you describe them, they act like pigs.
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typical left wing nastiness being demonstrated as usual from sandyroe I see.
Patsy had this one right on page one - 'a large number of' or something equally non controversial.

That way our politicians can discuss the matters at hand rather than the words within the discussions themselves.

Other emotive synonyms can be reserved for threads on sites like AB and other social media.
Canary, //Naomi, you obviously don't understand the function of Her Majesty's Opposition.//

Oh, I understand it - but I'm not so sure they do.
Looking at some of the epithets being heaped on desperate people in this post I think the 'nastiness' being displayed if far from left wing.
A Benefit Claim of Migrants

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Not A "swarm", Not A "bunch" But A......

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