News0 min ago
Katie Hopkins.
192 Answers
http:// www.dai lymail. ews/art icle-34 58287/K ATIE-HO PKINS-T oday-su rgeons- cut-bra in-try- cure-ep ilepsy. html
On the News Section we have seen Katie Hopkin's opinions both criticised or supported, but whatever your opinion of her, I am sure most of us will wish to convey all our good wishes along with every success on coming out of this surgery successfully cured of her dreadful epilepsy?
Get well soon Katie.
On the News Section we have seen Katie Hopkin's opinions both criticised or supported, but whatever your opinion of her, I am sure most of us will wish to convey all our good wishes along with every success on coming out of this surgery successfully cured of her dreadful epilepsy?
Get well soon Katie.
You've only got to remember the vile way the lefties "celebrated" Maggie Thatcher's death to realise what an unsavoury bunch of miserable excuses for normal human beings they are.
15:25 Wed 24th Feb 2016
Naomi - //andy-hughes, //I tend to think as I write, and write as i think//
Katie Hopkins, it appears, does likewise. //
Please allow me to clarify – when I said I write as I think and think as I write, I meant that literally, and when posting on here. I am thinking what I will say, and what I want to say, as I am typing it out, and I tend not to re-read before posting.
If however – and here I do share something in common with Ms Hokins – I am writing for a paying audience, and being paid for my time, craft and skill, then I take a deal more care to be careful that what I say is fair, and just and honest, and does not attack anyone personally who lives life differently from me for a variety of reasons of which I am unaware.
It is there, I fear, that Ms Hopkins and I part company.
Katie Hopkins, it appears, does likewise. //
Please allow me to clarify – when I said I write as I think and think as I write, I meant that literally, and when posting on here. I am thinking what I will say, and what I want to say, as I am typing it out, and I tend not to re-read before posting.
If however – and here I do share something in common with Ms Hokins – I am writing for a paying audience, and being paid for my time, craft and skill, then I take a deal more care to be careful that what I say is fair, and just and honest, and does not attack anyone personally who lives life differently from me for a variety of reasons of which I am unaware.
It is there, I fear, that Ms Hopkins and I part company.
/// So - any further attempts at picking a fight with me will be largely ignored ///
Then why don't you just back out as divebuddy and myself have, instead of continuously trying convey how you are the victimised one and dishing out your appreciative thanks to my usual opponents?
After all it was those and yourself who took my thread off track in your quest to turn this thread into a left-wing hate campaign against a lady who was recovering from a life threatening operation, shame on you and your supporters, one who called her "a old rat bag", but no criticism from you of course.
/// I am sure the remainder of the community, and the Editorial Team can see clearly where this provocation is coming from - hopefully they may step in to stop it spoiling debates for everyone. ///
I do hope they do because it is plain to see who the instigators are this time.
And before you go on about you not starting another slanging match, this is not slanging on my part, just a legitimate response to your continuous "it not me Gov. it's AOG and those others" and I think that I am entitled to that at least?
/// So - any further attempts at picking a fight with me will be largely ignored ///
Then why don't you just back out as divebuddy and myself have, instead of continuously trying convey how you are the victimised one and dishing out your appreciative thanks to my usual opponents?
After all it was those and yourself who took my thread off track in your quest to turn this thread into a left-wing hate campaign against a lady who was recovering from a life threatening operation, shame on you and your supporters, one who called her "a old rat bag", but no criticism from you of course.
/// I am sure the remainder of the community, and the Editorial Team can see clearly where this provocation is coming from - hopefully they may step in to stop it spoiling debates for everyone. ///
I do hope they do because it is plain to see who the instigators are this time.
And before you go on about you not starting another slanging match, this is not slanging on my part, just a legitimate response to your continuous "it not me Gov. it's AOG and those others" and I think that I am entitled to that at least?