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vernonk | 07:32 Tue 08th Mar 2016 | News
62 Answers
Daily Express today calls for the burka to be banned. What chance of that? Does anyone think it shouldn't be and if so why?


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Ban it.

It is there simply to oppress women and make them 'belong' to men.

Simply does not fit in OUR culture.
I'm not enabling men. If the men have the mindset to treat their women like dirt they're going to do it anyway regardless of what they wear.
I agree Ummm but this is one thing that could be stopped.
It's not wanted, not needed, you don't know who is wearing the stupid thing, for the person driving with the stupid thing is a danger, it's a security threat, take France's stance & bad the stupid this.
No, it wont stop it entirely, that takes time. But a burkka really reinforces the Islamic idea that women are second class citizens and belong to men and that is unacceptable in this country.

One step at a time, and this has to be the first step in the fight back against the Islamification of the UK.
In the present state of high security due to the increased threat of a terrorist attack, it should be banned.

How does anyone know who is under this garment or what may be concealed under this garment etc?
ummmm, //I'm not enabling men.//

Not wittingly, but your defence of the burka simply because you think women won't be allowed to leave their homes is tantamount to conceding to bullies.
Such a law would condemn many modest women to a life of isolation. The government has no business grubbing about in the wardrobes of the nation's women.
Its a symbol of oppression of women by weak and insecure men and has been abused by terrorists.
They're already in isolation, Sandy.

The reason I started following Muslim women on Twitter was because I grew tired of listening to white people banging on how racist they aren't.
The way some prolific posters ignore or fail to condemn anything to do with Islamic issues is quite frankly embarrassing.
id ban it for the reason id like to see who im talking too!
Naomi - I am not defending the burka.
ummmm, what are you doing then?
Naomi...I have said already that I dislike the burka. If the banning of it meant that women were more oppressed then I'd vote to not banning it.

Ummmm, but no woman should be oppressed. Where would you draw the line? If another, say, one thousand were oppressed you'd vote to ban it? What about the women who are already oppressed? Those are the people we need to think about.
id ban it for the reason id like to see who im talking too!

Good luck with trying to strike up a conversation with a burka wearer, Bernie.
Of course women shouldn't be oppressed.
ummmm, No they shouldn't, but while the burka remains acceptable to our society, we are in effect endorsing their abysmal treatment. If we want a fair and free society for all change has to happen.
Ban it ,I find it extremely offensive and its basically sticking two fingers up at us and our culture....

if they want to wear it then go to a muslim country...if they can find one that dishes out benefits..

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