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This Should Help The Fight Against The Nutters.....

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ToraToraTora | 21:51 Thu 10th Mar 2016 | News
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"Prospective fighters were asked to chose between being used as suicide bombers, soldiers or in another role, and to detail any previous "jihadist experience", it reports." - PMSL! reminds me of the "recruitment" scene in Blazing saddles!
//One file refers to a German recruit who used to be "in sales" and now "wants to be a suicide bomber",//

As you do. 'Death Of A Salesman' coming to a town near you. Mind you it is reassuring that it isn't just our numpty officials who get laptops and files stolen.
I cannot be bothered to check, but I heard it was a disgruntled ISIS member who had made this information available, not a lost laptop.
^^^^ Why? Did he think they were running out of virgins ?
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He was probably turned down for a management position and it was suicide bomber or nothing. Probably not enough Jihadist experience.
The information was gleaned from a memory stick purloined by the defector from an Isis 'official' Gromit. Like I said...........
//It said the documents came from a man called Abu Hamed, an IS fighter who said he had become disillusioned with the group's leadership and stolen a memory stick from the head of the IS internal security force before handing it over in Turkey.//

From the link diligently posted by TTT. Don't want to bother you with facts and all that nonsense, but hey here goes.
keep it clean boys

// reassuring that it isn't just our numpty officials who get laptops and files stolen.// togo

yes Gromit give him helll - it looks as tho T thought it was a lost lap top and yes I agree it was a reputedly disaffected ISIS official

On another thread we have links to EU and sky and god knows whom else.
And it isnt a full moon out side either
How many jihadis can dance on the head of a firing pin?
amongst all the application forms
will we find plans for a splatter gun

and some dark mustachioed fighter explain that it is a film script for a childrens film - Bugsy Mahommed ?
No pp, I knew it was a memory stick, and was referring to the habit of our civil service, health board officials, and various assorted military bods, having a penchant for 'misplacing' sensitive material. Couldn't help reflecting that Gromit couldn't be bothered to check, but is usually one of the most assiduous collectors of minutiae.
yes Togie you knew all this, I agree [ and much much more ]...
but unfortunately you WROTE laptop as I quote above
so just give in and say "yeah yeah I was writing *** again....."
// laptops and files stolen.//
Just to be clear enough. I don't mean nail files.
Apologies. As I said, I was too busy to check. I think we are both right.

You referred to our numpty officials having sensitive files stolen. I recall many instances of carelessness, losing laptops or leaving them on trains, but I cannot recall any instances of sensitive information being stolen. On another thread it said an ISIS member leaked the information, which is why your comment about it being stolen seemed wrong. I now know it was both stolen and leaked by an ISIS member.
That's fine Gromit all in good spirit I assure you. After posting my reference to a nail file, I was given a memory jog. It reminded me of the first woodwork lesson at Grammar School. Mr Carter was identifying all the tools that we would be using in the following lessons. He got to one implement, 18ins long about 1&1/2 ins wide, held it up and announced. 'This is a barsteward file'. Cue a class of 30 X 11 year old boys laughing like drains. He noted who laughed first and loudest and had their cards marked instantly. Sorry for diverting TTT.

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