///Mamy, the thing about US restrooms, is that the cubicle sides and door end about 2 foot from the floor. there's absolutely no missing who's in the next trap.///
mamya is right, that does seem a bit of a poor design and, possibly, a bit of an exaggeration.....but if they are in the next cubicle what does it matter by 'what' means they are relieving themselves?
The core issue with the bill is that it was worded in such a way that allowed anyone (not just churches) to cite the bill when discriminating against gay and transgendered people.
It would put disrimination on the statue books.
Whilst there are some who try to claim that gay people would use the laws to sue churches, the reality is that there are more important issues to address.
I know it's not like for like, but consider this - since the Equalities Act (Same Sex Marriage) was introduced...how many Anglican or Catholic Churches have been sued in the UK?
How many test cases have been launched to challenge the exemption of the Church?
Apparently so, sp.
But the gaps between the door and frame are more off-putting....:o/
I'd be distracted by looking for a peeping-tom/asina and forget why I went in there....:o)