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Ok Tell Me Why Nige Is Wrong Here....

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ToraToraTora | 20:43 Wed 30th Mar 2016 | News
86 Answers
Yes I know the stay mob will just call us their favourite names but I wish they'd digest it if they were reading a transcript of someone anonymous rather than just thinking their usual ingrained thoughts that no one from UKIP could possibly talk any sense and shutting up shop. Give it a go.....



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Togo, if that's what's Zacs-master means I've no doubt, that being in possession of more than the two required brain cells, he is capable of communicating it. However, he hasn't, and therefore one must draw one's own conclusions. ;o)

Carry on chaps. Got to go to bed.
Once again, your rapier wit is only outshon by your garrulous nature Svejk.
I thought you'd gone a while back N. To bed, that is. Not senile. Just to avoid any ambiguity.
Rapier wit indeed.

'Mummy' - that was really funny.
He seems to have got the drift of "rabbits in the headlights" , but ignored it.
Crikey, it's like a Tim Vine fan convention in here tonight.
Svejk has gorilla gness. : -/)
People with two brain cells might not be stupid...if they are really big brain cells.

Like...the size of dinner plates or something.
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But back to TTT...

It's really difficult for us non-fans to have to sit through the YouTube clip listing down all the things we disagree with.

It would be far better if we had a transcript.

For those of us who don't relish the idea of spending ten minutes in his company*, the idea is about as palatable as having to listen to a whole Taylor Swift single, simply to list down exactly what it is that sets our teeth on edge.

If you have a transcript, I'll be happy to answer your question though.

(*Whilst the clip is only 3mins 40secs, you have to add in time for taking notes, eye rolling and swigging from a large wine glass, in order to get through).
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divebuddy - I hope you're not directing that at other members of AB. Remember what I said about the ease in which debates descend into name calling?

As long as one side doesn't take the bait, these threads can continue without the dreaded:

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Nope...I've said that I would answer if I had a transcript.

Okay...let me stop watching The Night Manager and have a go.

Give me ten minutes.
I agree with everything he says in the first 28secs.

He goes on to say that the entire EU is corrupted. Not true. Simply not true.

He goes on to say that the EU today is not about peace, it's about power.

Correct. The EU is one of the greatest trading powers in the world. However, Farage is using the term to reflect his own position.

With regards to EU power, Hanns Maull defined civilian power, firstly, as "the cooperation with others in the pursuit of international objectives; secondly, as using primarily economic means to secure national goals; and finally as a willingness to develop supranational structures to address issues of international management."

That's the power that Tony Blair was referring to.

Farage then goes on to predict the future value of the French currency. I don't have his financial insight here so I can't comment.

He goes on to suggest that the EU was established to contain German power, and now it's a totally German-dominated Europe. He might be right on the second point, in terms of German influence, but isn't Britain's economy stronger???

Up to 1min 20sec...
Yep...the next 20 seconds are all about how weak Germany is...

So...not sure how Germany can maintain their position as the key power in the EU if that's the case. he's talking about arms sales.

I think we need to be quite quiet about that.
I am pretty sure most reasonable "undecided or unbiased folk" could get through 3min 40sec of a statement without eye rolling or swigging alcohol........Unless.
No need to take notes. Pretty succinct. If you need the time to listen again just save to favs. or click the link again. Take notes my aunt.
At 1min 52secs he makes his first really critical mistake.

He is talking about the financial crisis in Greece. I'm actually surprised he went there.

In 2015, Greece received its third bale out in five years.

Greece became basically got knackered back in 2008 when Wall Street dived. in 2008. The following year Greece admitted that it had understated its debt exposed and this is when it it first started getting loans (from the IMF).

Basically, Greece didn't have a pot to pee in.

So what did it do?

Tighten its belt?

Introduce swingeing austerity?

Nope...that would have been political suicide for the government...that's why they simply stumbled from one financial crisis to another.

This wasn't Germany's fault.

This is my answer to TTT's question, and I thank Nigel Farage for getting to this at 1min 43sec, so I don't have to finish watching...

If he thinks that Greece can 'change direction' which basically means reneging on the constraints of the package put together by the International Monetary Fund, the European Central Bank and the European Commission - then he's living in cloud cuckoo land.

You cannot spend money you ain't got.

This is the position that Greece is in.

It's actually quite shocking that Farage would actually say that out loud.

At least...without winking.
Anyway - I've done what I said I would do. No - I'm not going to watch to the end because no doubt he will come out with something equally ridiculous, like "Batman vs. Superman was definitely not a steaming pile of horse manure, and I look forward to the sequel."

I'm getting back to Night Manager now.

Ta ta.

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