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The European Union: In Or Out?

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AB Editor | 13:24 Mon 25th Apr 2016 | News
249 Answers

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If the EU referendum happened tomorrow, which way would you vote?

  • Out - 208 votes
  • 70%
  • In - 91 votes
  • 30%

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A big IN from me
Mikey, would you like to clarify that comment? And where did I say “all” foreigners?

//Obama has been over in Europe to push this trade deal,(and very cosy with Merkel he was). //

More like the lame duck went to collect his 20 pieces of silver from Merkel. :-(
How many more do you think we can squeeze in then mikey ??
I'm in as well. I really hope the poll here isn't representative of the nation.
Out for me
//I really hope the poll here isn't representative of the nation.//

Course not jo. Mikey was bleating Foul on Page 1 because there are too many right wingers on AB. :-) should have been more specific ...Stop the influx of foreigners. (Legal and illegal).

Perhaps you should have inserted the word "some" in between of and foreigners !

Not sure how many more we can squeeze in Viv, but as long as our own lazy and unskilled dole bludgers are not capable and/or willing of working, then these people will continue to arrive here for the available work.
Does anyone know what the percentage of "out" votes there needs to be for us to actually leave, and does the government have to abide by that majority?
Coverjo....well done for stating your view.....this Poll isn't really representative of anything ...its just a straw Poll.
ED; Do you have any idea what the profile of AB'rs looks like? I suggest that for one thing the average age would be fairly high and quite a lot of blue collar.
How have your previous polls come out in relation to the national ones?
I hope it IS representative Clover .....
//Not sure how many more we can squeeze in Viv, but as long as our own lazy and unskilled dole bludgers are not capable and/or willing of working, then these people will continue to arrive here for the available work.//

And they also have to be housed ,afforded teaching and medical facilities for their families. We ain't big enough and haven't got the infrastructure to support them.
Cloverjo....As far as I understand it, this Referendum is consultative only, and no winning margin has been set in advance.

My best guess at this stage is that the vote will be close and if it is, it will be interesting to see what dave does with the result, one way or the other.
Khandro...interesting question as regards ABs average, but blue collar is a difficult concept to define.
mikey whether we have 'lazyt and unskilled dole bludgers' or not, there is still not enough room to keep letting migrants in willy nilly. We still need to find the room and they are still using our overstretched NHS resources etc etc.
Winning target should be just 50%+1, although a result that close would demand recount after recount before being acted on. As long as it's unambiguous who won, I suspect the government will feel obliged to honour the result.

Mikey, //a blue-collar worker is a working class person who performs manual labour. Blue-collar work may involve skilled or unskilled manufacturing, mining, sanitation, custodial work, oil field work, construction, mechanical maintenance, warehousing, firefighting, technical installation and many other types of physical work. Often something is physically being built or maintained.//
Jim, //I suspect the government will feel obliged to honour the result. //

'Dishonouring' it would spell disaster for any government!
see my post @1110.

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