retro for chief constable ? he is at a loose end these days
the lady who lasted a day - Dawn Copley was appointed with notice
( she was offered the job with the words like 'we know you are under investigation, dja wanna job ? ' )
Chilldo - how do you know about the West Mids debacle - did we ever work together ? .... and no you need a long memory - it was 1989....
a few weeks ago I could find no internet reference to this.
Geoffrey Deer ( all 6'6" of him ) was the then CC and if the reader ever sees a tv prog where police video evidence is over recorded with an episode of Crossroads that was one of the events at West Mids..... Deer very unamused. But the real thing was that X and Y were under suspicion and whilst they were being observed ( so couldnt have done it ), evidence disappeared from lock up showing there was collusion with officers unknown
Deer went in the next day and closed the unit down. Burton who was the police fed rep commented Geoffrey Deers ambition knows no bounds and he will not allow the careers of honest policemen to stand in the way of his advancement.
Deer went onto to be HMIC ( big chief inspector and is now his Lordship )
read about him here,_Baron_Dear
and there is nothing about corription
( but a passing mention over little John Shorthouse ... )
The bigger John Shorthouse ( Snr) had the unpleasant habit of flicking petrol over someone he didnt like and then playing with a cigarette lighter as they were tied up and drenched ....
well actually there is
why didnt I see it last time round ..... posted Oct 2014
there is case law on this
to what extent in an appeal do their Lordships have to take into account the fact that a police witness once worked in a corrupt department ?
Not very is the answer - you have to show the corruption touches the case.
This post has been a longer post on past corruption in the west mids serious crimes squad which occurred in 1989