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The message is too subtle for me to understand - so it doesn't say anything to me at all.
08:43 Thu 26th May 2016
Zacs (05:40)....good point. The picture is shocking but is there for a reason.

"Operation Black Vote (OBV) is non-partisan and not-for-profit national organisation that was established in 1996 to address the British black and ethnic minority democratic deficit"
Can't equate the wording to the picture.
Its a PSD - Photoshop disaster.

He is out of scale and they haven't removed the original ground from her feet.
Interesting link from the BBC Wales news website :::
Gee thanks, Zac. Where would all us AB thickos be without you?
Maybe Welsh dwelling BME folk see themselves as 'guests' in the country, and don't wish to influence the decision ?
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It simply shows that all votes are equal, in case you weren't aware. // & NO-ONE should be intimidated or dominated by either camp.
Well said Ron....that is exactly the purpose of the picture.

/// I see equality. ///

Not so, simply because one would not see a poster of a ethnic being aggressive towards a white person, in an attempt to get a particular stereotype message over. there an organisation called OWV....Operation White Vote ?

I must have missed it !

/// & NO-ONE should be intimidated or dominated by either camp. ///

But it only shows 'one' camp being intimidated or dominated by a white person.
AOG....I think you have misunderstood what the OBV is all about :::
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Clearly some posters are pretending they understand the message the picture is sending.
I think the picture is absolute divide ***.

Best answer to Andy for his honesty ( I expected a full winded novel on what the picture represented)

/// OBV said there are about four million black and minority ethnic voters and a further 400,000 citizens of Commonwealth countries entitled to take part in the referendum. But about 30 per cent are not registered to
vote, ///

I wonder how they know this when they don't know how many are in the country?

I also wonder why they don't seem to like being registered, have they something to hide?

Well you did ask us simply what the picture said to us, not to look up OBV and try to find out all about it before we gave an intelligent answer or not.

/// AOG....I think you have misunderstood what the OBV is all about ::: ///

Oh I see now, the more democratic white chap is telling the non-integrating ethnic, to jolly well go out and vote.
swap the white guy for a muslim and swap the woman for a gay man. Now that's what we are heading towards.

Did you accidentally press the best answer button by mistake?
Blast I though I had that one in the bag
If the message were simply all votes are equal why have a white, seemingly NF type thug with aggressive expression and countenance?

If the message is all votes are equal why have the depiction so obviously weighted to 'frighten' the ethnic voter?

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