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Another Step In The Islamification Of Londonistan Or A Further Demonstrations Of Its People's Ability To See Past Religion And Race?

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sandyRoe | 03:58 Fri 17th Jun 2016 | News
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I expect that we will have the Usual Suspects will be making a case that this woman was only elected because she was a Muslim.

I didn't believe that when the same people said the same about Sadiq Khan being elected as London Mayor, and its the same with this new Labour MP for Tooting. She, like Sadiq Khan before her, were elected because they were Labour candidates, who happened to be Muslim. If they had both been Tory candidates, they wouldn't have won !

Its also worth observing that Rosena Allin-Khan increased the share in the voting in Tooting, from 47.2% a year ago, to 55.9% yesterday. And the Tory percentage went down.

And all this under a Labour Leader that is supposedly unelectable !
The former.

This is why I'm confused. She's neither an immigrant, nor is she black - so what is your point?

And in any case the claim that black voters vote for black candidates and immigrants for immigrants is an oversimplification.
Sp - you are right -she was born in England so isn't an immigrant. As to her background she said "I’m completely mixed: half-Polish, half-Pakistani"
Sp, she is of mixed-heritage. Her father is Pakistani. If you think I’ve over-simplified it, it’s over to you.
Douglas @ 0910
Could release a £mil or two per annum in interpreters fees back to the NHS to heal .
// 28% of inhabitants of a [borough] in the capital city don't speak English?
That's just weird. //

The census form asks what language you speak, not if people are bi-lingual, tri-lingual etc. So it does not mean 28% cannot speak English, it just means they commonly use their mother tongue.
If it were as simple as muslims voting for a muslim candidate, the Conservatives would have fielded a muslim candidate too.

This has always been a Labour voting area, and she won because she was the Labour candidate.

She won despite being a muslim, not because of it.
I largely agree, Gromit- except about the 'despite being a muslim'.
I think overall we don't know which people voted for each candidate. Overall i'm not sure the result supports either of sandy's options
You live in any London burghs Gromit? I type this from St Helier hospital.Wandsworth and Tooting. Most elderly Asians aren't speaking English from near where I am currently lying. Sorry to go off topic. Just for clarification :-)
Sandy....I suggest Gromit for BA, at 09:44 !
Gromit, //If it were as simple as muslims voting for a muslim candidate

That isn't the suggestion. Muslims are not in the majority in that area. Its population, however, does consist of a high number of immigrants and the children of immigrants.

//The census form asks what language you speak//

No, it doesn’t. The census form for England in 2011 asked “How well can you speak English?”

The choices are ‘Very Well’, ‘Well’, ‘Not Well’, and ‘Not at all’.

The census concludes that 28% of the people do not speak English.

She's not an immigrant.

She was born in Tooting.

So what point were you trying to make with immigrants voting for immigrants if she's not an immigrant?
sp, I've already said she is not an immigrant and that she is the child of immigrants. Aren't you reading the posts?
I'd give up if I were you SP !
The 2011 census for question 18 asked:

What is your MAIN language

o English
o Other, write in _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

There is a spplimentary question about how well you can speak English.

You wrote:

[i]Indeed it is, but not only that. Immigrants tend to support immigrants and black people of whatever religion tend to support black people, often without considering the potential implications of that. It’s a mix, but I think that’s the reality.[i]

So if Rosena Allin-Khan is neither an immigrant, nor black - why did you start your sentence with 'Indeed it is, but not only' - because the rest of your claim has nothing to do with Allin-Khan.
I don't normally agree with Naomi but i think I know what she means here- she was using immigrants as short hand for immigrants/children of immigrants. I am not sure whether the term 'black' includes those who consider themselves half Polish,half Pakistani
Indeed Gromit, and those who wrote 'English' were asked to skip the question I referred to. Therefore, since 28% of the population cannot speak English it follows that a considerable number weren't able to skip it and neither were they able to tick any of the boxes that indicated they spoke some English. I don't know why you're arguing this. We all know there are people in this country who can't speak English. It's silly to claim otherwise.
SP...its the Muslim thing, all over again, just like it was with the Orlando murders.

.....some people will blame Islam for all life's ills....its the easy way out.

As someone has already said on this thread, this lady won in Tooting despite her religion, not because of it.

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