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Another Step In The Islamification Of Londonistan Or A Further Demonstrations Of Its People's Ability To See Past Religion And Race?

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sandyRoe | 03:58 Fri 17th Jun 2016 | News
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What a mouthful of a name!
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I'd not associate double-barrelled names with Labour but a rose by any other name...
I can't see how an A & E doctor can have the time and energy to do a job on the side. or will the patients suffer or will the salary be taken without doing the work?
Hi Coppit- I would agree but does it actually say anywhere she is going to continue being paid as a doctor?
I'm not sure it suggests Londoners in general can see past religion and race. Maybe religion and race are factors given the ethnic and religious make-up of the constituency. It might be interesting to see some figures. All I know is that Wikipedia (not always reliable , I know) says:
"The area around Tooting itself has a large Asian population - only Southall and the Brick Lane area have a higher concentration of Asian voters in London." Maybe religion is a key factor for those Asian voters.
//Maybe religion is a key factor for those Asian voters.//

Indeed it is, but not only that. Immigrants tend to support immigrants and black people of whatever religion tend to support black people, often without considering the potential implications of that. It’s a mix, but I think that’s the reality.

// //Maybe religion is a key factor for those Asian voters.//

if it is true then none of the Hindu and Sikh electorate voted for her

as for her job - she could be one of the 55% of junior doctors who have declined to continue training ( Jeremy Hunt H of C a few weeks ago) because the contract is so crap

or as a consultant she could negotiate with her employer to do one clinical session ( at a tenth of the current whack ) and that may be appealing to both sides as she could do it - - -over a week end ! kinda

or she could resign

or if the Hospital wanted someone on their side in the House of commons against the Department - keep the contract unpaid and at zero sessions

( this comment outlines the deals available for those elected to the commons who were previously employed in the NHS)

My hospital had a doctor administrator who was so determined to screw his colleagues and " get on" in life - that the NHS paid ten sessions for him to go down to London full time and sit at a desk and screw his colleagues nationally. We were in mixed minds as we waved good bye. Last seen disappearing up the minister's a-r-s-e
This is Sadiq Khan's constituency, it has had a muslim MP since 2005, so neither of those.

Labour trebled their majority from last years General Election, so one in the eye for those questioning Labours electoral chances under Corbyn.

UKIP lost their depisit.

The resurgence of the Lib Dems shows no sign of taking off. They used to get 7,000 votes here not long ago, yesterday they got a pathetic 820, being pushed into 4th by the Green, as losing their deposit. Since 2010, they have lost over £170,000 in lost deposits.

Do you think Rosena Allin-Khan was born abroad? If not, your point about immigrants supporting immigrants is moot.
I think Naomi just chose the wrong word to describe what was meant
Sp, no I don’t. If you read what I said again you will see that I very clearly separated my reference to ‘immigrants’ from my reference to ‘black people’.
another plea for clarity - please

[ that comment was for people to post clearly if they have important points to make]
40% of Tooting is Christian
20% is muslim.

The majority of its inhabitants, 52% were born in the UK. 5.2% Pakistan, 4.3% India,

72% speak English.

Certainly on the demographics, their is no reason why a muslim candidate should win. The reason she won, and Khan before her won, is because they were the Labour nominated candidate.

This young lady was born in Tooting.Also Sandy,double-barrelled names,what about Anthony Wedgwood-Benn,Patrick Gordon-Walker and more recently Robert Kilroy-Silk.
Gromit, //Certainly on the demographics, their is no reason why a muslim candidate should win. //

See my post at 07:29.
Thanks Gromit. I see these were from the census so they are probably the best available (although the census data presumably doesn't include those who did not/could not fill in the form).
If there were more Jedi's than Sikhs or Jews then that may deal with PP's point.
The statistics do raise some queries - eg where were the 28% from whose country of birth was 'Others'- maybe there should be other EU categories.
They also don't show 'ethic origin' or similar- which is considered relevant on equal opportunities monitoring forms for jobs
I may have missed something, where is her religion mentioned ?
This article doesn't. She has said she is raising her children as muslims and her dad and husband are muslims (but Mum's a Christian) but as far as i know she hasn't said anything about her own faith.
It shouldn't matter of course and she needn't say but it was raised as part of the discussion as to whether voters take religion into account
ff thx - I will use more jedis than jews - like it

filling out a census form
(although the census data presumably doesn't include those who did not/could not fill in the form).
is governed by law and it is a crime I think not to fill one out
a fella comes around and checks
( and is confidential - one census checker went to prison for dobbing in electors to the housing benefit fraud teams )
this followed complaints that the 1851 census was out by 10-20%
28% of inhabitants of a burgh in the capital city don't speak English?
That's just weird. Try withdrawing interpreter services, that'll pique their interest in including themselves.

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